Saturday Savers Club / week 10 - Back to homework

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello friends, greetings to all the savers in the community!

    It has been 21 days since my last update in the community and in all this time many things have happened but although I was absent in relation to my goal updates, I did not lose sight of my goals, although I must admit that I was complicated the last week to keep up with my HBD, but as the Lord never fails us I sent a Samaritan, a good friend who gave me a good boost to keep me in the race and thanks to this action I am here bringing you my weekly report number ten.

    Image taken from @eddie-earner publication and edited in Paint

    The number that identifies my updates has nothing to do with the progress in the weeks towards my goal, it is rather the number of times I post my update, so this is my number ten post, as an update to show my progress towards the goals I have set out to achieve this year, thanks to the inspiration and motivation I receive in this community.

    My secondary goal of Hive Power has not had much growth, this due to my lack of activity and few rewards received, as my higher volume of writing is directed and motivated by my participation in Splinterlands and my participation in some challenges proposed by this community, but although our progress is slow we prepare ourselves mentally to have a lot of patience and not lose sight of our goals, so you will not see me give up.

    What we came here for!..._

    My weekly report

    Although it is 21 days of silence in relation to the publication of my progress, I will show you what my statistics according to HiveStats say that in the last seven days I only got 3.31 HBD and 8.37 Hive Power as rewards for publication, nothing encouraging but nothing that can not be overcome with hard work and dedication.


    What follows is about my progress towards my secondary goal or objective, I am getting closer and closer to 500 HP, very close to my secondary goal, although this week I was about to backtrack on this goal, as I mentioned at the beginning a good Samaritan took it upon himself to push me on my way and stop my retreat and this is my progress so far.


    The next item I show you is my main goal, which is going according to the 365 day challenge, we have already advanced to day 106 of the challenge which represents about a third of the whole journey we have to do until the end of the year and see our goal fulfilled, and we have reached the figure of 57,103 HBD.


    According to the stipulated in the weekly chart or image, the week should close at 54.60 HBD, however, you know that I am including a couple of days more since the week closes on the 13th and I am delivering the report on the 15th, in addition to that there is the interest that we are harvesting monthly from our savings so I am approaching the goal slowly but surely, at least I am maintaining the progress.

    Daily and weekly control image


    It has been more than one hundred days of this challenge, to be more specific one hundred and six days, about a third of the total distance of this challenge that is helping me to cultivate the habit of saving, something never practiced in my family environment, but I am disciplining myself and learning to control the anxiety for unnecessary expenses, even to support some emergencies understanding that this combined with a good investment can help me to generate resources that can be used later to meet the needs of my family.

    Control semanal.png

    Regarding my weekly progress I have just completed week number 15 of the challenge and I am already advancing in week number 16, so my progress is steady, constant and smooth, hoping that everything stays in this order and nothing alters or stops my progress.

    Overall summary of progress towards my goals...

    HIVE POWER333.19960022.764427.80815.76%

    Alright friends this is my weekly report for the Saturday Savers Club, it is a pleasure for me to share with you what we are achieving, thanks to the motivation achieved in this community and in all those who strive to achieve their savings and growth goals.

    I hope next week to be earlier with my update, it will be until then.

    We are focused and we are going for more!

    Banner taken from the original publication by @eddie-earner

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