Create a WOO Theme ComicBook: WeWantMickey

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hey Guys! So we were asked to make some WOO-themed comic book using our WOO characters. As y'all know, I'm your wrestling guy P, so you'd definitely see me involving the current storylines in my post.

    Here we have Mickey Whipwreck, the Winner of the Men's WOO Rumble Match. This only means he's got the chance to choose who he fights at WOOmania.

    For the WOO World Heavyweight Championship - workhorse title: Current Champion Perry Saturn.

    Or for the WOO Hive Heavyweight Championship - entertainment title: Current Champion Raven.

    Right after the Rumble, we saw Mickey pointing to the direction of Raven and His special counsel Sonny Onoo, declaring passionately:
    I choose You Raven

    A couple of days later, during our usual Monday night WOO, we witnessed the return of the most electrifying man in all of the WOO Game, Bookerman, coming down the ring and cutting a promo, name-dropping Raven.

    Well, since he now has more power than Paulie, the C.O.O of WOO, he wants to call the shots.

    The WOO Universe took to social media and hastaged #WeWantMickey.

    What's gonna happen Next?

    Will Booker give the people what they want, or are we going to see Heel Booker?

    To be continued!!!

    Thanks for reading y'all!

    This is one of my WOO Zealy entries for this month.



    Introducing traditional wrestling to the world of blockchain! Wrestling Organization Online (WOO) is a game on the Hive Blockchain centered around wrestling strategy. Its goal is to help retired wrestlers in the real world by providing financial support through the sales of their NFTs with 100% of market fees going to them. WOO also gives players an exciting, rewarding, and competitive gaming experience.

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    🎁 February Sprint Prizes:

    🥇 1st place: 2 WOOALPHA + 2 WOOREWARDS

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    🥉 3rd place: 1 WOOALPHA + 1 WOOREWARDS

    4th: 1 WOOALPHA

    5th: 1 Epic Card

    6th: 1 Rare Card + 1 Common Card

    7th: 1 Rare Card

    8th: 1 Common Card

    9th: 1 Common Card

    10th: 1 Common Card

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