Selecting the Perfect Gown for the Parade

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hello hivers of this wonderful community specially to ma'am @dswigle. It's been a while since I post an update here. The main reason is; I don't actually go out in our house to buy stuff. You probably thinking what's a sense of a full time mom like me if I won't go out to buy our stuff. That was before, but then a lot of issues came. There were all negative facts about me and I'm not here to tell how they put me down.

    My 17th year old daughter is now responsible of buying our needs in the house. And I can see she can handle it right, she just follows her dad's instructions. But my today's post is we're she had fun with her aunt while shopping at the mall.

    Their cousin that lives in Manila needs to take part of the Flores de Mayo.

    Flores de Mayo (Spanish for "flowers of May") is a festival held in the Philippines in the month of May. It is one of the May devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary and lasts for the entire month.

    I remember when I was a kid I dream of wearing a beautiful gown like my cousin. Wearing crown with a beautiful make up, but I wasn't lucky I was never been chosen. But now my youngest daughter Ria that will also turned 5 years this month was please to attend the sagala or Flores de mayo on our place. I was very happy because my dreamed come true. But then we were worried with the expenses. Ria needs a gown, my husband told me to look for a gown for a rent. I asked her cousins because last year I saw their daughter took part of the sagala. They said that they just borrowed from their friends. Renting will also cost money.

    Their cousin was about to rent a gown price starts at $17.34 and up. But a sudden change of mind when they knew that Ria will also take part of the said event. From Manila to Bulacan my daughter and sister in law travel to look for a gown in Manila. The woman wearing cap is my sister in law while the other is the wife of his brother. @katsuki29 is the one taking photos.





    Look at those cute stuff toys, my daughter and I has a same choice when it comes to cudliness.



    Welcome to Tutuban Center Mall




    And now there heading to their real purpose, to buy a gown for Dang-Dang. Dang-Dang is their cousin, she's the only girl that's why my brother in law will do anything for her little princess. They waited nine years for her to come . But life is really tricky after one year Dang-Dang had a little brother. And his nickname Doy-Doy

    Twenty one year with my husband, I dreamt of wearing this. Walking in the aisle or even a public government wedding. But it never happened till now.



    @katsuki29 is having taking pictures the gown was all beautiful and pricey too. Even I will definitely filled my smartphone with this.






    And I think they finally found what there'll looking for


    Here's their first choice, but it seems they are not contented and really wanted the pricey one.



    The sale's lady put the glamorous gown on Dang-Dang and looks like they all made a choice. Except for the price it's originally $112. They asked if they can get it for $95 but that's a too much discount. So they closed the deal with $104. It's comes with a free crown, necklace and earrings.



    Before going home they eat in a fast food restaurant. Dang-Dang looks very happy and contended. We Filipinos also have belief that's our family will be lucky if our children will represent the sagala for the Flores de Mayo. And besides its a wonderful experience for all kids. That's also the dress that Ria will wear on May 25th. We couldn't afford to buy or rent anymore and that's already a big help.




    Thank you so much for reading
    XoXo, @usagigallardo015

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