in voilk •  4 months ago

    What would life be like if borders between countries didn't exist? If we could travel wherever we wanted without worrying about visas, security, or money? I think a borderless world would be amazing. Without those hassles, I'd totally become someone who journeys around the globe nonstop.


    First, I’d visit all those faraway places I’ve always dreamed about. I'd see the Eiffel Tower in Paris while eating fresh bread. I’d walk along the Great Wall of China, wondering how people built something so cool so long ago. I’d move through jungles in Costa Rica to find sloths and monkeys up close. I’d explore ancient castles in Scotland and magical forests in Norway.

    With no border security or money problems in this fantasy world, I could explore every corner fearlessly. I might feel scared traveling solo at first, but the excitement of new places would help me be brave. And since cash isn’t an issue here, I’d enjoy the best food and sights wherever I went.

    If I didn’t have work or school in this imaginary place, I guess I’d never quit traveling. I’d probably hang out in each city a few weeks, learning some of the language and making new friends. I’d gather little souvenirs everywhere to help me remember my adventures.

    When I needed a break, I’d likely rent an apartment for a few months at a time before hitting the road again on more journeys. How cool would it be to spend whole seasons in different countries – Spanish summers, Australian winters, Japanese springs. I’d take so many pictures to share back home, although home would basically be wherever I wandered next.

    I think all the new cultures would make me more open-minded, wise and grateful. By seeing how diverse groups live, I’d understand better that the world is wonderfully complex. Learning about the many languages, foods, music and traditions would help me appreciate everything unique about each location.

    The world isn’t really like my imaginary one where folks can roam anywhere freely. I truly wish countries didn’t fight or have tense relationships. If resources and technology were shared so all places became safe, maybe we’d see we’re not too different across cultures. At heart, we all share similar hopes and dreams. I definitely know that if this were dine, people would live more simply and even the economy would improve well, a lot of things that go wrong would be put in place, maybe like the rate of crime that is now much in the world, I surely know that this would curb them.

    The situation back in Nigeria and many nations reminds me we still have far to go. But thanks to things like the internet and global business, I remain hopeful that someday we may have more unity and compassion worldwide. Future generations could get to live in a world without border walls holding anyone back from exploring our beautiful planet and learning from all its people. I’ll try to promote openness through my daily life, moving us tiny steps closer perhaps to my dream becoming reality someday.

    This is my entry to the hive learners prompt

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