Mono Monday a few from recent walks

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Mono Monday a few from recent walks

    Good Morning another week begins and may it be a good one for you

    As is my habit on Mondays I am sharing a few mono shots this week, these are all from walks i took in the last week, the weather warmed up a bit for a few days I I was able to get out for a few morning walks which was greta it had been solong since I took sunrise walks.

    Now I should note I am preparing this a week in advance, so I am not talking about last week but the weke before that, the forecast for today and the rest of thisweek is cooler mornings with real feel close to freezing point so I wont be getting out for early morning walks.

    Now starting with a shot I took on my last walk on Popes Island, temperature wise it was nice but it was cloudy and grey and a little dmap with a fine mist so I knew the sunrise would not be much so I decided to head to Popes Island to get some shots of the bridge and strictly speaking I Guess this first one is not a mono but B&W with a color splash, I just kept the reds to highlight the trail of lights from a passign car

    mono recent walks-5.jpg

    Sony A7iv 21mm F11 20 Sec ISO 100
    Click here to view larger

    Still on Popes Island for this next shot some of the boats in the marina, with it beign a grey morning the shots worked well in mono

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    Sony A7iv 25mm F11 30 Sec ISO 100
    Click here to view larger

    And still on Popes island the same fishing boats from another angle

    mono recent walks-3.jpg

    Sony A7iv 25mm F11 51 Sec ISO 100
    Click here to view larger

    Another walk I took was in Fort Taber park, I ende dup catching a nice sunrise that morning, but this was early just after I got there about 50 minutes before the sun rose, and I took a walk around Fort Rodman and got this shot

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    Sony A7iv 25mm F11 51 Sec ISO 100
    Click here to view larger

    Another walk I took that week was at the port

    mono recent walks-1.jpg

    Sony A7iv 17mm F11 1/4 Sec ISO 100
    Click here to view larger

    And that’s all folks

    unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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