I am doing a bowel detox so you don't have to | The aftermath and looking back

in voilk •  3 months ago

    3 days have passed with me only eating the fermented palm oil fiber shakes from Vitamunda.nl and after three days of it, it felt like enough even though there is an option to go for the 6 day detox or even the 12 day detox (which is mostly recommended for weight loss which I am not trying..and 12 days with no food? Damn, then you really don't like yourself ;) )

    Day 3 just went really smooth as I wrote in this post but there was also the day before where I was not such a happy camper as you were able to read in this post.

    So it went so easy I considered throwing in an extra day of detox but then I decided that I just wouldn't.


    One of the reasons where I stopped with the detox is because of the rebuilding the days after the shake days. Vitamunda recommends on the first day after to only eat liquids (soup, yoghurt, smoothies) and on the second day after to boil all of your foods before taking it in.

    I get this proces. On the first day after the stomach and the the bowels are used to liquids by now and apart from the biofilm layer inside of the bowel, also the 'normal' protective layer has taken a hit here. In other words....if you eat a burger as your first meal, there is a good chance that the stomach won't be that happy with the amount it has to take in. But also the bowel doesnt't have their 'good' bacteria there which you have to give some loving to.


    So I also bought me some of this probiotica stuff and also yoghurt to get the normal bowel bacteria going on again. Will this help? I have no idea, but this is really a matter of 'why not try it' and see what happens.

    Holy crap!

    Warning: too much info coming right up!

    Did I get out the biofilm as it was written how that goes? Well, I think on the morning after day 3 it produced something that looked like how the biofilm should. Not in a rush, just as a normal trip to the restroom. So that was easy.

    And after that I started eating differently again with the liquids and the boiled food as prescribed. With also surprisingly not a lot of appetite. So it really also does something to what uou are used to digesting. Which means that if you would use this for weight loss, it surely would work as well.

    What it will do in the long run on the allergies and on the general feeling of getting energised again, I guess that is too early to tell at this pontint.

    But what I do know is doing a detox is not that bad at all and I will surely do it again if the results are as I hope for.

    So detoxing: I say YAY

    What the hell am I doing again and why?

    I am doing a cleansing treatment of the bowel by drinking these kinds of shakes. It should work as a detox that it cleans out the inside of the bowel and by that gives room to create a better immune system.


    I am experimenting with this because someone I know didn't have allergies anymore after this treatment, so that is also why am trying. Nothing wrong with working on the the balance in the body right?

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