From my whole Life Estimation, Unfairness in Education is the Destruction of the Whole Country

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hello Hive Learners Community! Welcome to my blog. In the long journey of life we ​​come in contact with many people, some of them are very good people who are difficult to judge. While some people are so bad that they have acquired the habit of killing justice. I have encountered many such types of people in the 25 springs of my life. In this article, I have decided to share with you a story related to my university educational career. If an uneducated person is unjust, there is very little harm, while if an educated person is unjust, there is more harm than that.

    If Justice is killed, we should stop it

    Injustice is a social evil that leads to the destruction of that society. Be it in the field of education or political conflict, we face injustice in many things. In today's post, I would like to share an incident that happened during my university life a year ago, which was about injustice. This incident happened last year in my last semester of university. Like many universities in the world, in my university, merit is trampled on the basis of professors' likes and dislikes.

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    My data processing result was awaited and I was waiting for the result with my friends in 4th room of the university. Although I was not a brilliant student, my grades were not lower than those of good students. It was 10 am and the result list was posted outside the office of the professor of the data processing course. This list was a surprise to many friends like me. In this list, the meritorious students of the class were awarded B grade while the professor's favorite students were awarded A grade. I was an average student, but seeing this bad results of the brilliant students of my class, I sympathized with them. Everyone in the class was aware of the unfair popularity of the professor and the flattery of the students regarding with professor's attitude. I encouraged the bright students of the class and asked them to discuss the result with the professor. When we met him, instead of listening to us, he kept us outside his office for six hours as a punishment. After six hours, when he came out of his office, instead of listening to us and our demands, he threatened us to fail all of us. When he took the student's demands personal, I became convinced of his unfair attitude.



    I took the rest of the bright students of the class with me and met the Vice Chancellor of the university and complained about the unfair behavior of my professor. The Vice Chancellor assured us that he will conduct rechecking the papers of our entire class.



    A week later our papers were rechecked by another university professor. The result of this rechecking was completely different from the result of our previous professor. The brilliant students of the class beat the flatterers of the class in this result. When the inquiry report of this result was received by the Vice-Chancellor, he suspended our data professor with a heavy fine as per the Procedure and Conduct Rules and Regulations of the University. Thus in the university, the rest of the professors were also taught by the vice chancellor that the unfair behavior of the student will be dealt with strictly and thus ended the unfair behavior of the professor from our university.



    Final Lesson

    We must not tolerate any kind of unfair treatment. If someone does injustice to someone, we should help the oppressed. Injustice and inequality lead to social destruction. Justice is promoted in the developed nations of the world. While justice is massacred in the developing nations of the world, this is the reason why this nation cannot develop. If we had tolerated the injustice and cruelty of the professor, then he would have caused problems for our future students and the future of many students would have been destroyed due to his injustice. I am glad that we not only stopped the injustice of one professor but also set a good example for the rest of the professors in the university. Any unjust person should be punished immediately before he puts the merit and future of people in danger by his injustice.

    This post is my entry for HL Weekly Featured Content It was Just Unfair. I hope, you have enjoyed my post. Thanks!


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