1933 - A Wine Shop in Historical Tivoli Hotel / リスボンTivoliホテルのワインショップ1933

in voilk •  20 days ago


    During our stay in Lisbon, we encountered some trouble with our originally booked hotel, which led us to cancel the reservation. Instead, we ended up staying at the historic Tivoli Hotel, located on the same street. My partner, ever the bargain hunter, managed to find us a great deal—but that’s a story for another time. 😉

    One night, I had a late-night to early-morning conference call with Japan. Since it didn’t feel right to do the call in the same room where my family was sleeping, we went looking for a lounge and headed to the top floor. There, we discovered a wine shop called "1933." According to the staff, the shop had just opened two weeks ago, as a collaboration between the hotel and a wine company. The name "1933" comes from the founding year of both the Tivoli Hotel and the wine company Garrafeira Nacional. While the lounge that used to be there was gone, this discovery turned out to be a pleasant surprise.

    The female sommelier at the shop was incredibly kind and deeply knowledgeable about wine. When I asked her about a particular port wine I had been unable to find in Porto, she regretted to inform me that they didn’t carry it either. However, she enthusiastically shared insights about different wines and their regions. It wasn’t a sales pitch—just pure passion for wine. Both my partner, who barely drinks alcohol, and I quickly became her fans.

    One of her recommendations was Villa Oeiras, a wine from the Lisbon region. She mentioned that it’s a good choice for those who find the barrel-aged aroma of port wine too strong. Unfortunately, it wasn’t available for tasting at their wine machine, nor was it served at the neighboring Sky Bar of the hotel. Still, she kindly let me take a photo to remember it for the future.


    Since I had decided to go alcohol-free on our first night at the Tivoli Hotel, I saved my wine tasting for the final evening. Their tasting machine offered both port wine and Madeira—another famous fortified wine from Portugal’s Madeira Island. I was especially eager to try the latter.

    On our last night, I returned to the shop to say goodbye and thank the sommelier while finally getting my Madeira tasting experience. On my first visit, I had asked for a recommendation for a white port wine to take home, but later I found the brand I had enjoyed in Porto at another shop. When I apologized for not purchasing her suggestion, she simply said, "That’s great! You found the wine you really wanted!" What a wonderful person 🥺

    Then came the long-awaited tasting. Their pricing was very reasonable, starting at just a few euros per sample. If we weren’t traveling the next day, I would have tried even more. I’ll have to come back for that.


    Our conversation drifted to her travels in Madeira, where she told me that the island also produces rum. This led to a discussion about sugar production, and I was once again impressed by her depth of knowledge. She shared her vision of making this shop a place where people can not only buy wine but also learn about it.

    The Madeira wine I tasted was the 2004 vintage, displayed on the far left of the shelf in the photo below. It was a slightly sweet, half-dry variety. She recommended taking photos to remember different vintages since Madeira’s flavors can vary greatly by year. Now, I can’t help but dream about visiting Madeira myself.


    It was a cozy and wonderful shop. They have plans to host wine classes, tasting events featuring producers, and even wine tours. The sommelier mentioned that more shelves and new products were arriving the following week, so by now, the shop must be even more impressive.

    This is definitely a place I’d love to revisit the next time I’m in Lisbon.

    🍇 🍷 🇵🇹 🍷 🍇


    リスボンでは当初予約していたホテルでトラブルがあり、予約をキャンセルし、同じ通りにあるTivoliホテルという歴史のあるホテルに泊まることになりました。これまた相方がバーゲンハントをしてきて・・・という話はまた今度 😉

    滞在中、深夜から早朝にかけて日本と電話会議をする日があり、さすがに家族で寝ている部屋で参加するのはなあとラウンジを探して最上階に上がったら、1933というワインショップがありました。お店の人によると、2週間前にワイン会社とホテルが提携してオープンしたとのこと。名前の由来は、Tivoliホテルと、このワインショップを運営するワイン会社Garrafeira Nacionalのどちらも1933年創業で、「1933」に。もともとここにあったラウンジはなくなっていたのですが、とても良い発見になりました。


    下のVilla Oeirasは、彼女のおすすめのリスボン近郊の酒精強化ワインで、ポートワインの樽のにおいが強いと感じる人にも飲みやすいとのこと。残念ながら店内の試飲マシンにも、隣のSky Barでの提供もなく、ぜひ覚えて行ってと写真を撮らせてくれました。



    滞在最終日の夜、ソムリエの彼女にお礼とお別れを言いがてら、マデイラを試飲しに再びお店を訪れました。はじめて訪れた日に、「ホワイトポートをお土産に買いたいんだ」と言って、すすめてもらったワインがあったのですが、ポルトで飲んだブランドのものを他のお店で見つけてしまい、「ごめんね・・・」というと「あなたが欲しかったワインがみつかったんだからいいじゃない!」と。なんていい人なんだ 😭








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