Hello creators, welcome to round 222 Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 222 - ✨ 100 HIVE in the Prize Pool!✨ I'm very excited to participate in this round because I had a long time without creating digital collage, this community is one of the most important in hive because it helps me a lot to explore creatively in me, so thank you for existing.
I saw the image selected for the contest and I knew I wanted to participate because these days I had the opportunity to see the new Nosferatu movie directed by Roberts Eggers and this image for the contest took me to that old and dark world of Nosferatu so I used its reference to inspire me to create a movie poster.
I still go for simple collages without so many elements, always giving them a final illustrated touch to create the horns and hands.
I hope you like it, thank you
Template 👆

Contributed to the #LIL by @mballesteros.
Collage and illustration: Paola Marín