My Actifit Report Card: April 25 2024

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Shakuzouji Temple(Kuginuki Jizo)/石像寺(釘抜地蔵)





    I went for a walk this morning around 7:00. It is nice and cool in the morning. Since I live in Kyoto, I went for a tour of temples in the neighborhood. There are many small temples in the area, but here are a few that caught my attention.

    The first one is Shakuzouji Temple. It is commonly known as "Kuginuki Jizo," which means "Nail-removed Jizo" in Japanese. The temple was founded by Kobo Daishi (Kukai), who carved a stone statue in 819 and named it "Kunuki Jizo" to save people from suffering, but it eventually came to be known as "Kuginuki Jizo.
    The lanterns and streamers caught my attention with their bright colors.

    Although I could not take a picture of it, there was also an objet d'art of a nail puller. The temple grounds are also full of objects representing nails and nail pullers. I wish I had taken more time to look at them.

    Outside, the hanamizuki trees were in bloom. It is a familiar flower that blooms after the cherry blossoms are over.





    Injouji Temple(Senbon Enma-do)/引接寺(千本ゑんま堂)




    Then, about 5 minutes north of Shakuzouji Temple, there was a temple called Injouji Temple. It is commonly known as Senbon Enma-do. The main deity is said to be King Enma. The main deity is said to be King Enma, not the ruler of hell, but a familiar Buddha who tells people about the horrors of hell so that they will not go down the wrong path.

    In the precincts of the temple, there is a ten-story pagoda memorial to Murasaki Shikibu, which is designated as an important cultural property.

    Beside it, a double-flowered cherry tree was in bloom, although its flowers had fallen quite a bit. This cherry tree is called Fugen Zouzakura because it resembles the shape of the tusk of an elephant on which Fugen Bosatsu (Fugen Bodhisattva) rides.

    The Senbon Enmado Grand Nembutsu Kyogen (Buddhist rite) performed here in May is the only one of the three major Nembutsu Kyogen plays in Kyoto, and is designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Asset of Kyoto City. This year, it will be held soon, from May 1 to May 4.





    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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