The Ways of Life Aren't Always as we Think!

in voilk •  3 months ago

    As this Sunday... and the month... draw to a close, I find myself pondering the many aspects of life that sometimes seem mysterious and occasionally confounding to many of us.


    Once again, I have ended up pondering these mysteries as a result of watching people argue over seemingly simple things. It doesn't seem to happen so much because anyone is being unreasonable, but because it seems almost unfathomable to some folks that their idea isn't the one that makes the most sense.

    Not just to them, but to everybody.

    And that becomes "fightin' words."

    That person who is arguing against your perspective, and frustrating you so much?

    Did you ever pause to consider the fact that maybe they simply don't want what you want, in life?


    Some years back, I had rather too many forceful, strident and somewhat narcissistic people in my life... who spent a lot of time telling other people in the world what to do and what made the most sense.

    In time I learned to chill out around their opinions by patiently letting them finish their diatribes, and then adding the words (inside my head) "to YOU" at the end of their lectures.

    Because — ultimately — that's how most opinions work. They make sense to the speaker, but that doesn't mean they carry any import to the person who's listening. It's all about whether or not we relate.

    There have been plenty of occasions in life where I didn't relate to something that was being purveyed to me as fact.


    If you don't think like me, you must be an idiot!

    In some sense, I have a lot of empathy for viewpoints that are so myopic that they seem to demand 100% compliance, "or there will be trouble."

    It doesn't matter whether we're dealing with individuals or public figures to hold millions of people in their sway.

    I suppose this is an "issue" I feel particularly sensitive about, having grown up with parents who operated with a very narrow sense of what was "acceptable" and what was not.

    Hereunder, living a childhood and youth during which I was pretty much "told" what my opinions, feelings and pretty much everything else was. None of it was actually my own.


    I suppose if there was a good thing to come out of all that, it was that I developed a lot of understanding for the distinction between facts, opinions and actual reality.

    Just because someone thinks a particular course of action is "a brilliant idea" doesn't mean that it actually is a brilliant idea... in the global sense of the word.

    The world isn't always as we think... and it is not the world's job to snap into line with YOUR viewpoint.

    Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

    Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!


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    Created at 2024-04-29 01:23 PDT


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