Protecting the Lifeline: Battling River Encroachment in Bangladesh

in voilk •  5 months ago


    The saying, "If the rivers continue to exist, so will the u . S . A .," is not only a word; it's a stark truth. Yet, the relentless encroachment upon rivers continues to strengthen each day. In diverse components of the u . S . A ., rivers are being encroached upon for construction purposes, agricultural sports are expanding into riverbeds, waterways are being blocked to build roads, and land grabbing alongside riverbanks for diverse financial ventures is rampant. And who are the perpetrators of these acts? Mostly affluent or influential people, towards whom the management seems reluctant to take any motion.

    So, how will the rivers continue to exist in this country? And what is going to take place if the rivers perish? Recent news reviews shed mild on the alarming state of affairs in the Shekerchar area of Narsingdi Sadar Upazila, where a phase of the Brahmaputra River has been packed with soil to assemble a private avenue by way of Pakiza Cotton Spinning Mills Limited. Moreover, the establishment has blocked the passage across the river through building a tin-shed bridge. All of these activities are illegal and unauthorized, yet in which is the enforcement of the regulation?

    To compound topics, it's been stated that about 903 crore taka turned into spent on the excavation of six rivers in Narsingdi to facilitate water flow. One of those rivers is the ancient Brahmaputra River. However, the very establishment that benefited from this excavation has now hindered the river's waft by way of constructing a street over it.

    Two pipes have been laid to facilitate water drift, however will those be enough at some point of the monsoon whilst the Brahmaputra swells? Concerns about capacity flooding loom massive. Additionally, the street built over the river became previously used by locals for transportation. Its closure has significantly inconvenienced lots of humans inside the area.

    River encroachment, pollution, and obstruction are escalating national. According to current legal guidelines, river blockades or obstructions are prohibited. The High Court has declared rivers as "living entities." But isn't always obstructing the go with the flow of a living entity tantamount to murder? The district administration has assured rapid removal of the blockade and production. We also demand activate motion to make sure the unimpeded drift of the Brahmaputra River.

    The survival of our rivers is important no longer only for ecological stability but also for the livelihoods of thousands and thousands of folks that depend upon them. It's imperative that we act rapidly and decisively to guard our rivers, the lifelines of our nation.

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