Don't Share Everything

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hi fellow Hiveians,

    Today I wanted to talk about how important it is to not share every single detail about our lives, and recently what it meant.


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    Don't Share Everything

    I think it's important, and perhaps somewhat odd, to say that we shouldn't be sharing every single detail of what we do on a daily basis, on the internet. I think it's especially evident because of this blockchain stuff, being permanent and all as long as the chain is operational.


    With our recent trip that we took, a much needed vacation, I took lots of pictures and had a wonderful experience with my wife and son. There were a lot of really cool and interesting parts of the vacation as well as a lot of just normal stuff. I am making it a point though to only share some of that vacation, and not go into dozens of posts or too much information on what we did, where we went and all that. I think it's important that we have limits!

    These days, everyone is sharing nearly every little detail about their lives. There can be some cool aspects of it for sure.. but there is also quite a bit of stuff that's just stupid and quite frankly, improper when it comes to putting our lives on the internet. With the advent of quite a bit of video media, recording some quick videos of the places people go and do things at is ubiquitous it seems.


    I think there is starting to be a trend in the opposite direction though, and I think that's good and healthy! Where we certainly have our phones with us, take pictures and can share some of the pictures but for the most part, it all remains off social media and in our personal spaces. This may be something I am hoping it's larger than it is, but I know several people who don't share these types of things on social media which was a good thing to hear.

    The trip that we took was a nice family one, we had a few weeks of relaxing and adventures all around an area and we enjoyed ourselves but I don't think I need to share every detail of that time away, especially as my son gets older. I know it may seem odd that I want to protect him from a lot of what goes on on the internet but there is a considerable amount of crap on it, things that he shouldn't be exposed to. He will at one point but I am keeping him away from it as long as I can. There is also the notion that I don't want all of the things we do as a family to be on there, which kicks up the internet stuff a notch given this is blockchain and it remains on it until it would be shut down, which is unlikely in the near term.


    I think it felt pretty good for me to go into the vacation knowing that I would be certainly taking pictures and documenting the things that we did, but I knew that there were only a few of the things and places that we went to that I would be posting, keeping the majority of it offline and in private.

    What about you, do you purposefully keep some things private that you may have talked about or posted before? Why? I'd love to hear in the comments!

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    -CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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