Overcoming Depression: Lessons Learned

in voilk •  4 months ago

    What Makes a Successful Life (1).png

    Depression is indeed a serious matter that that almost everyone has to deal with. It is not easy at all to battle with it. In fact, it is a really big problem.

    When I was still a young child, I had an aunt who was suffering badly from depression. This was a woman I knew to be a very happy and cheerful woman before. But when she lost her husband in a car accident, everything suddenly changed for her. She became sad and sorrowful every day. She would cry a lot. Even when she was with family, she was not happy at all. As a child, I always felt heart broken seeing an adult cry.

    In addition to that, she stopped doing a lot of things she loved to do before, like cooking special food, taking good care of her children and trying new things. The truth is, she would just always stay at home, sleep and think. Even her children suffered because of this situation happening. Their mom's depression took a toll on them.

    My family then tried many things to help her come out of this depression she was going through. They took her to see a doctor who gave her medicine to take. They also tried to get a counselor to advise and talk to her. But nothing was working well at all.

    Then one day, my mom tried a different tactic. She brought us to stay with this aunt for some weeks. This way she had responsibilities to look after we the little children. This aunt had no choice but to wake up from her sleep, cook food so we could eat, clean the house, and keep an eye on everyone very well.

    Slowly this responsibility started to change her. She began to regain happiness and joy little by little. She began to smile and laugh again with the children. Even her family was happy to see these changes. That's how she kept getting better over time.

    The main lesson I got from this experience is that depression is a serious matter that doesn't have a simple solution. But with time, love, care, support and endurance from family and friends, it can be overcome. Don't give up on someone with depression. Just keep trying different tactics until it works.

    Another thing is, someone with depression should not just stay idle and think too much. It's better they are engaged and doing something useful with themselves. This can distract and divert their mind from the sadness and worries that lead to depression.

    Finally, always be watchful for any early signs or symptoms of depression in loved ones. Early detection and treatment will save someone from suffering too much before it gets worse. Prevention and proper care are the keys to battling this problem.

    So in short, my advice is for anyone battling depression to never give up at all. Simply keep going and seek out assistance and support from family, friends, and experts. Before you realize it, the gloomy depression cloud will pass and the sun will return to your life.

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