Nature and humans unite

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Humans and the earth are two inseparable entities in our lives. Humans are creatures created by God who have reason and conscience, while the earth is the planet where we live which provides life for all creatures on it.
    Human life is very dependent on the earth as a source of life. The earth provides various human needs such as the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we consume, as well as shelter and habitat for other creatures. Therefore, humans must preserve the earth so that life on this planet continues.

    However, unfortunately humans are often negligent in protecting the earth. Activities that damage the environment such as deforestation, air and water pollution, and littering have caused the earth to experience significant changes. Climate change, natural disasters and the extinction of animal and plant species are the impact of irresponsible human actions on the earth.

    For this reason, humans must care more about the earth. Maintaining environmental sustainability, reducing the use of fossil fuels, and reducing plastic waste are steps that every individual can take to help preserve the earth. Apart from that, improving human relations with nature is also very important so that life on earth can occur in harmony.

    Humans and the earth as two interrelated entities must be able to live side by side in harmony. Humans as the most sophisticated creatures on earth have a great responsibility to preserve this planet so that it can be enjoyed by future generations. With awareness and real action to contribute to preserving the earth, we will be able to create a better world for all the creatures that live in it.

    Thank you everyone who has read my story above, I hope you enjoy it

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