Beyond Doubt: Whispers of the Unseen - Chapter 131

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    Welcome to my seemingly endless journey.
    A trip that will take you to places I might have visited many moons ago.
    It´s a tale that came back to me when I meditated on one of my past lives. A life I told you about in my unbelievable true story.

    As promised in that story I will now share this story with you.

    Click Back Button to Start with Chapter 1

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    Chapter 131

    Dear Reader, did you witness helplessly how what you love, what you have given everything for, is destroyed without you being able to do anything about it?

    Just because of a cruel twist of fate or a god's sick sense of humor, whatever suits you better, thought it was time to learn your next lesson.

    Remember that except for energy, nothing lasts forever. You can't take anything with you, even memories fade over time.

    Yet these memories are the most valuable treasures a person can possess.

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    Two Moons after Sion Fled The City

    Dear Sir,

    The council held an emergency meeting as soon as they became aware of the escape. At first, they were willing to spend unlimited manpower on a search. However, after some research, it turned out that the law contained the following paragraph.

    If a Sikh disappears in times of crisis, be it missing or kidnapped, the executive and legislative powers are immediately transferred to the council of advisors. As such during a crisis, the correct policy can be followed and the government will not experience any distraction.

    The death of the previous Sikh was used as an immediate crisis. This law becomes active 48 hours after the declaration of disappearance. It can only be lifted when the people see the missing person in public company. Or by appointing the next in line as a Sikh.

    Since this of course did not happen, power has been in the hands of the council for several days. This has led to growing dissatisfaction among a well-known part of the population. Her Highness can only reclaim her position by immediately informing her people of her return from the palace balcony.

    Unfortunately, the gate will remain closed to her and the guards have been instructed to immediately arrest any unknown woman found within the walls. In addition, of course, the law of the seventeen summers always applies. I'm afraid the council has completely sidelined her.

    I understand from friendly sources that the council still prefers a signed transfer of power when the princess appears. So that she can demonstrate that she is legitimately entitled to hold power. She hopes that this will eliminate the growing unrest and commotion among the population.

    Now, however, there are whispers of an heir to the throne in exile. About the possibility that Her Majesty will reclaim the throne and carry out her mother's wishes. Your speech has been heard in the farthest corners by friend and foe. There is a significant group that wants to see the old order restored and has no difficulty with the current situation. But recent events have made an equally significant group think. There is a chance that this division will continue. Although the advice is to nip her in the bud.

    This has grown a serious audience for new ideas. We will continue the work of Her Highness Krya. So that a time may come when her wishes will reach all levels of the people.

    Yours sincerely,


    It is clear that we are safe for now, and probably as long as the princess stays away from the city. The dichotomy, it made sense, but I would have preferred to avoid it.

    This has to be resolved to prevent worse, but is it a priority?

    All in all, it looked like it would be a tough road before I could fulfill my promises to my Krya. It is important that I inform the princess so that she can consider her options and decide what her wishes are for the future.

    The letter does explain the extreme calm we experienced during these last two moons. I think back to the first days when we went about our business and Sion hiding in the shed we built near the gold stream.

    So much planning, so much secrecy, and most of all the tension. Expecting soldiers at our porch every second of the day, while nothing happened. It might be time for Sion to leave her hiding place and join us as a friend of the Lady of The House.

    No one here has ever seen the princess, and I am pretty sure they would not expect her to appear here in the middle of nowhere.

    At dinner, I read the letter out loud, well not that loud. Even though nobody could hear us I still whispered just in case one of the workers would walk in on us. Something that never happened but two months of secrecy does weird things to one's mind, especially if that mind has just been through a conspiracy of epic proportions.

    Once I finish the last word I sense a lot of relief, similar to how I felt when I picked up this letter earlier today in the tavern.

    "Can I make a suggestion, isn´t it time for your dear old friend Elegna to arrive Cabilah? Wasn´t I supposed to pick her up in the city tomorrow?"

    For a second I see six eyes in doubt, and only Numico who clearly knows me best smiles.

    "Martio, that sounds like you almost forgot about dear Elegna. How could you, she is like a sister to Cabilah and in all honesty a girl after my own heart."

    The tension that was just released exploded into laughter when all were catching on.

    "Well in that case Numico, we might better pick her up together and as we do not want to be late we will leave tonight. The city is quite a ride, and we would not want a lady having to travel after darkness falls on our little paradise."

    Next Chapter Coming in Two Days

    Picture By Me And My Artificial Intelligence

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