Social Media Challenge - Celebrating Bitcoin Halving in Splinterlands

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Good day to all, how are all of you doing? Today's post is special and will be different from the usual Social Media Challenge post. At the point of writing, the phenomenon that happen every 4 years for Bitcoin will happen in 6 hours time as seen in the screenshot below.


    To commemorate Bitcoin halving, the amazing developers of Splinterlands have come up with a special event and I am going to tell you all about it. Before we go into the event sharing, are you excited about Bitcoin halving? Let me know in the comments on what is your market prediction after the halving occurs.

    Splinterlands Celebrate Bitcoin Halving
    To celebrate this halving that occurs every 4 years, Splinterlands developers have launched a special event called Baron's Bounty.


    What comes with this special event is the introduction of 2 new promo cards! Woohoo! And promo cards are something that collectors was to have plus most of the time, these promo cards are really strong. Take note, the event runs for 15 days so it will end by the end of the month.

    So how do we get hold these cards? Players can use DEC or credits to purchase them and because it's Bitcoin halving, players can make use of vouchers to half the price of this 2 cards. Let's take a look at the cards which both use the general design of Rebellion set.

    2 New Promo Cards

    The first card is a legendary Death/Fire Splinter card with the name Baron Fyatt. At base level 1, it has some decent stats and most importantly crazy abilities right at base. This card possess Halving and that's not all, it has Scattershot which means it can randomly half an opponent's attack. As this card levels up, it becomes even more scary, it gains Ambush, which means Baron can reduce someone's attack even right before the actual match start. To add a further icing to it's ability, it causes Blindness to opponent and further disable the lineup. What a crazy card and definitely something worth looking into if you can afford it.

    Price of Card: 31250 Dec/Credit, with up to 50% discount using vouchers to defray the cost.

    Now let's look at the next card.


    The second card is a rare Water/Life Splinter card with the name Henchling Enforcer. Similar to Baron, this card also has Halving at base level. Different from Baron, Henchling is a range attacker instead of a magic attacker. As this card levels up, it gains True Shot or I usually call it Guaranteed Hit and towards even higher levels, it gains Camouflage which helps it to sustain sufficiently. Not as impressive as Baron but still a good card to add to your collection in view of the nice stats this card carries.

    Price of card: 3125 Dec/Credit, with up to 50% discount using vouchers to defray the cost.

    Do note that every card that is purchase have a 4% chance of being a Gold Foil. If cards are being bought at 25 at a go, one Gold Foil is guaranteed. However, do also note that transaction has to be either all DEC or all credits and not allowed in a mixed form.


    On top of the 2 promo cards, the following prizes are up for grabs:

    • 500 PLOT tokens
    • 100 Alpha packs
    • 250 Beta packs
    • 500 Untamed Packs
    • 50 Essence Orb Packs
    • 100 Azmare Dice Packs
    • 20 Runi NFTs

    How to participate?
    Every DEC/Credit spend to buy the promo cards will earn you 1 point. Players will qualify for the draw if 10k DEC/Credits are spent. Do note, if you have used vouchers to defray the cost when purchasing, the defrayed cost will not earn you a point. Also, the earlier you participate in the event, your multiplier in the leader is also increased.

    Accumulation of points will also allow one to qualify for leaderboard reward titles as below:

    1-10 - "The Burninator" Legendary Title
    11-60 - "The Incinerator" Epic Title
    61-200 - "The Scorcher" Rare Title

    Top 20 players in the leaderboard is also guaranteed promo cards on top of what they purchased.

    What an amazing event with so many attractive prizes and 2 amazing cards with halving launched. Halving ability is rarely seen, so take this opportunity and buy up the cards and celebrate together as a community. Happy buying and climbing the leaderboard!

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