Music news, Buying new cards, My progress, Rising Star.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Greetings my dear and appreciated friends, It is a real pleasure to greet you on this splendid day. I am delighted to welcome you to our new publication, where we will dive into my latest news related to our beloved game, Rising Star.

    But before we dive into the details, I'd like to share with you some opinions and thoughts on recent musical happenings that are making waves in the music world. And in my personal case they have caught my attention. Without further ado, let's get started.


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    Today I want to share with you an exciting sonic adventure that I have had the privilege to experience, I am referring to Chicano Batman's new album entitled "Notebook Fantasy (2024)".

    This fifth release from the band originally from Los Angeles has been quite a journey into joy and musical diversity, and I would like to share my impressions with all of you.

    To begin with, I'll give you some details about the creation of the album. It was produced by the talented John Congleton and recorded at Secret Sound studio. This new album is a compendium of 12 songs that fuse a wide range of influences, from synthesizers to Latin rhythms to 80's music.

    If I had to tell you one thing I liked about this album, it is that I was captivated by the way Chicano Batman has evolved their sound without losing their unique essence. Since their inception, the band has been known for their distinct Latin identity and their ability to combine different genres in a fluid and captivating way. With "Notebook Fantasy", they have taken this ability to the next level, exploring new textures and sounds while maintaining their characteristic charm.

    One of the things that impressed me the most was the production quality on this album. Each song is meticulously crafted, with layers of instrumentation that harmoniously weave together to create immersive soundscapes. From the infectious beats of "Life Today" to the nostalgic melancholy of "Parallels," each track is a gem in its own right.

    But what really made this album stand out for me were the lyrics. Throughout "Notebook Fantasy," Chicano Batman invites us to immerse ourselves in a world of optimism and positivity. Songs like "Beautiful Daughter" and "Era Primavera" celebrate life and love with an infectious joy, while tracks like "Tear Away" remind us of the importance of holding fast to our dreams and aspirations.

    In addition, I must mention the collaboration with Say She She, which adds an extra dimension to some of the tracks on the album. The fusion of the voices of Bardo Martinez and his colleagues with the exquisite string arrangements creates truly magical moments that transport you to another world.

    To make a brief summary, Chicano Batman has created an album that is not only a pleasure for the ears, but also for the soul. I at least see it that way. But as always I would like to know your opinions. I read them in the comments.

    Well dear friends of Rising Star, this is the music news I wanted to tell you today. The time has come to show you my latest news in the game. Without further ado, let's continue.

    Buying new cards.

    Well friends, now as I am used to do, it is my turn to talk about my last purchases in the game. As obviously could not be otherwise I mean new cards. In today's case I have bought 2 new cards for my collection. With them I am looking to continue increasing my fans and to reach the goal of 3000.




    Let's start talking about the first one, I mean Donna. This is a common card, which only brings me a total of 10 fans. Obviously it is very little, but I liked the card, there is no other justification, haha.


    The price of the card in the internal market of the game is 866 starbits, which makes it a very affordable card to buy. Of course, I have to clarify that this card does not bring anything else, no luck, skill or IM. Only 10 fans.

    The personalized phrase of this card is: "Prefers to play outside in the summer but loves to hear herself on the radio". This is an example of an interesting phrase, I like to analyze them.


    Now let's talk about my other card, this one is called Sherri. Like the other is a common card that only brings me 10 fans, the other features brings them in 0. In total along with the other card brings me a total of 20 fans. Which for a gift price is fine. Anyway, these days I'm going to make a larger purchase in the game to advance faster.


    To give you an idea of what I was saying about the price, this card can be found in the in-game market at 822 starbits. So as you can see it is very cheap.


    To finish this section it's time to talk about the personalized phrase of this specific card. Which is: "A trifle annoying but keen to learn" Well yes, Sherri is keen to learn although it is a bit heavy to do. Hahaha.

    General Progress.

    Now comes the final section, it's time to talk about my general progress, and with that you can see when I advance per day in the game.

    My current level is 32, I'm just starting it so mentioning XP wouldn't be worth much. Haha. Now we'll see how long it will take me to reach 33, as each level needs more XP to advance to the next one. My goal is to advance as fast as possible towards level 40, to do more quests from the second island.

    For that I am repeating again and again the quests that will only take an hour, as is the case of the third quest of the second island and the music lessons. Both give about 130 XP every hour, so they are perfect for leveling up faster. The longer ones are focused on earning more starbits, but that's not my current goal.

    My current fans are: 2330, my Luck: 1497, My skill: 4152 and My IM: 16. My total card collection is now 150.


    Well my friends that's all for today, but I'll be back with more soon. Greetings.

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