My Simple Hive Proposal Project: Daily Beneficiary Plan

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Edited By: Canva Application

    Greetings everyone, today I have planned to conduct a simple hive project here in the community and everyone can be benefits also and this is the Daily Beneficiary. We already know about this kind of transactions or activities on which our community gives a rewards to all active members by making them a beneficiary on every daily post. Our Community [Asean Hive Community] initiated by our friend @justinparke gave this great and wonderful opportunity and chance for us to become successful here in the Platform particularly here in the Community. This Hive Project of mine is a part of act of kindness activities, which means helping other hive users especially the New members of the community by sharing some of the rewards I have through my daily post here in the community.




    • To help everyone especially those new active hive members.
    • To give them more consistent and courage to express their talents and skills.
    • To make and build more self-esteem and confidence by making valuable, unique and informative posts through blogging.




    • This is very important and helpful to all asean hive members so that we can be abled to help especially those new active hive members to become successful in the World of crypto particularly here in Hive Platform.

    This simple project of mine is not only for Hive New Members, but also to old members here in the platform. This project of mine is for everyone , Old and New hive Members. Every post I'll created also include 1% beneficiary for the Community and 1% for the selected Hive User. Each daily post I will created here in the community, I will also selected 1 hive user for each and daily posts.

    This can make everyone to become success, have confidence and consistent here in the Platform particularly in the community. This can also help to our community yo grow and grow and helping with each other. This aim us to become strong and one community members here. For those new members, engaging activities just like commenting on other's post is important here,through this we can build friendship between other hive users around the World. Our good comments helps them to have courage and fully trust to themselves and believe that they can. This Project I created and initiate is open to all hive active and consistent hive members. This can give a big help to make their curation value bigger. The reputation will also fast increasing. For now, this is still only a proposal project post, and I ask my friend @justinparke for granting my request and opinions about my simple project.

    Do your best and be more consistent everyone here in the Platform. Create a better World and pick the success here in hive platform.

    Hive On, Everyone.!

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