My Actifit Report Card: May 12 2024

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Breakfast was a bowl of bran flakes. Took the dog to the trail. The sky was cloudy but luminescent. Didn’t see anyone else on the trail.

    Did some inside chores and then I went out to do some yard work. I had to rake up some cut grass from last week. It had rained off and on I could not pick it up. Then I did some mowing around the edges, I have a neighbor that comes over with his riding mower to do my yard. Then I do his front yard he can’t reach with his mower. Lunch was a couple of hot dogs.

    Took the dog to the trail. As I got her in the car I caught the butterfly. The sky was blue. Saw some folks on the trail as they went past.

    Dinner was leftover pork cut up into leftover gravy. I added some petite peas. We watched some Bridgerton and then the movie The White House has Fallen. Anyway, thanks for reading.
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity,House Chores,Shopping,Walking

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