Ladies of Hive Community Contest #173 ~ My Future is More important

in voilk •  5 months ago

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    The month of love is still in the air. As a lady, what do you consider more: Careful decisions about whom to love, or the freedom to be spontaneous about it? Do you care more about present moments or future results of your decisions? Why?

    I am more careful when it concerns love and marriage, and truth be told, I am in between choosing to remain single, and choosing to be married and going with the flow of being married because love and marriage need a lot of thought, instinct, and grace. Nobody prays to have a bad marriage but it happens most times out of control and the only solution is separation. When it comes to love and marriage, when it comes to choosing a partner, I would choose to look at the future result of my decision rather than the present moments.

    The present moment may be glamorous because we are in a relationship or better still young new couples, to all know that this excitement comes with being married first, or being in a relationship that may likely lead to marriage, and so many things may not be considered or so many things may be taken lightly because of the moment.

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    But when one is putting the future result of their decision into consideration which also involves who will father their kids, and who I want my kids to look up to as father,
    would help me think deeply about every action and spoken word my partner portrays to me now because it will help me know the kind of person he will be in the long run.

    My life is important to me, and I wouldn't want to make love with someone who makes the grave the safest place to be or who makes marriage a hell on earth for me, I wouldn't want someone who makes me ashamed of walking or being in the midst of people because of his attitude. My life is so much to me, and we all know that this life is once, so picking someone based on the future results of my decisions is an ultimatum because I want to go to bed with my two eyes closed and not fear what my partner would do or the harm he would cause.

    I would choose a forever result because of my kids, I would want my kids to have good parents who together we would teach them genuine love and get to understand that as much as the world is bad, they should believe in love and that there is love out there. I would want them to be confident in who their father is because his life should be able to portray or be an example that they would love to talk about and emulate when they grow up, I want to be able to know that kids are in safe hands with whom I am choosing love with, and a father they are proud to call "Father".

    I know people change, but I do believe that there are inherent characteristics in humans that we can not overlook, like a partner who is violent, abusive with words, lies, cheats, full of pride, not truthful or transparent with me, and lacks humility, this characters and more are what I would be looking at to be sure of who I would be spending my life with forever.

    So, I am very careful with whom to love because of the future result of my decision.

    This is my entry to Ladies of Hive Community Contest #173

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