Homeopathy as an auxiliary of science

in voilk •  4 months ago



    I have a childhood friend, who recently asked me what homeopathy has to do with nutrition, from the point of view of science.

    And before I tell you what I answered, I would like to tell you that it is very common for people to consider homeopathy as something without foundation, since they visualise behind it sorcerers and necromancers making strange preparations with plants and other ingredients.

    However, I must also make it clear that there is no truth in this, as homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine used since the 18th century and the basis of it is oriented towards healing through personalised, usually diluted remedies that are capable of activating the body's healing capacity.

    In other words they are stimulants for the body to achieve self-healing, something that sounds extravagant in such a technologically advanced world but which has borne positive fruit for many people.

    Returning to my friend's question, I explained to him that Nutrition is based on scientific research and evidence accumulated over the years and that it is not only focused on the creation of diets, but also on other factors such as the balance of micronutrients among others.

    This is where homeopathy comes in as an auxiliary of science, as medicines often have side reactions and even intoxication or possible damage to organs such as the kidney, liver or pancreas, and by substituting these remedies for their natural bases, the desired objective can be achieved.

    It is not that I am a herbalist or anything similar but I am trying to restore the body's healing capacity to the stimulus of unprocessed doses or medications that are used for that purpose.

    A black tea is more effective at burning fat than a weight loss drug which inhibits appetite and therefore reduces food intake but this action can have undesirable consequences in many people.

    This is just one example that I will elaborate on in another post.

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