Resiliency: A quality I learned as a child that is very useful for me today as an adult

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Resilience is the ability to deal with challenging circumstances adversities setbacks and still bounce back instead of allowing those challenges to bring a person down the person turns those experience to a stepping stone and becomes more stronger and capable for other future challenges.

    Childhood experience lays a strong foundation when it comes to resilience especially in me because it reshaped my mental state my emotions as well as my social development when it comes to challenges in life.

    I am in my late 30's and I can say for sure that my upbringing have a lot of positive effects on my life right now because it could have been difficult for me to survive some hard times that have hit me so hard but I turn those challenges to my stepping stone to success knowing that success is a journey not a destination so I keep moving hoping to get successful one day.

    Brief history of me

    At the age of 12 my father decided to relocate back to the village from the city where we have been living all our life and we had so many things so many friends and our financial status was a bit stable, we were doing very well but my father made such drastic decision that changed our lives automatically.

    Just few months in the village life became so hectic my father left us and my mother have to suffer to get our needs. I am the oldest among my brothers so I was my mother's backbone and I learned a lot from her, resiliency is one of the quality that help my mother to stay alive today because she never allowed life challenges to hit her down instead they were lessons for her that made her face the future with confidence.

    She always reassured me that quitters never win so if I want to win a life I should never quit and this really helped me till date.
    My mother always thought me about solutions not the problem itself and this helped her not to get depressed or overly anxious.

    My mother through word and actions always taught me the importance of courage because that will help me to take each day one as a time during difficult challenges.

    Though things turn so bad sometimes that you might not even be able to go to school for a whole session but we were always hopeful because our mother was resilient, so we kept on moving she never kept anything as a secret before us because she always say that those experience will help us when will become an adult and today I can testify to that.

    When I was a child I see how people will bring trouble to my mom during market days but my mom will humbly work away she gave me so many experiences on benefits that comes from not making trouble and I grow up to see that to be true.

    Resiliency has helped me as an adult.

    At some point I had to leave home because I'm now an adult based on my family financial background I really need to work hard and help my younger ones.

    The quality of resilient has helped me so many ways it has really helped me both in dealing with people facing different challenges in life, even challenges that hit me so hard have turned to stepping stone for me.

    That's why my mom will proudly say you are really a true daughter of mine.

    Being resilient do not just help us to cope with life challenges there are also so many other benefit of being resilience yes it will help us to bounce back no matter how hard the challenge.

    It goes to the extent of helping one manage stress especially emotional stress because you only work so hard to navigate stressful circumstances by regulating emotions and this will reduce the impact of stress on both physical and mental health.

    When I was diagnosed of stage 3 umbilical endometriosis which is one of the difficult challenges I have ever faced in life because it is a chronic health issue but due to the resiliency in me I never allow this chronic health issue to overtake my emotions since I knew that it will result to emotional stress which will not be also good for my health both mentally and physically I only look for solutions I don't think about my health issue.


    The resilient person experiences little or no level of anxiety depression or any form of mental health issues because a resident person looks beyond the present and maintains a positive outlook with the mindset that everything has a purpose and change is constant.

    When you are resilient you will build a long-lasting relationship with people because resiliency helps you to always be adaptable, empathetic and know how to manage conflict and also communicate effectively with people no matter their background, tribe or language both in businesses and in workplaces even in marriages.


    Yes resiliency has positively contributed to the overall well-being of my life though challenges come but failure is not the end, I have been able to build self-confidence and self-esteem and I've also been able to adapt no matter the circumstances I find myself in and this has really helped me to achieve so many set goals in my journey of success.
    So I can say that my childhood experience has really helped me as an adult.


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