The Consequences of Lies

in voilk •  3 months ago

    These last few weeks I have witnessed the lie again. I could see how it was born, the way it developed and its painful outcome, and I didn't have to go very far, it all happened before the eyes of the community. I have always said that there are rules that even if they are not written down we all know, and following them is just common sense. There are things that simply should not be done, but everyone has the opportunity to be innovative and change what is already established, as long as it is done in the right way.

    It is sad to see how a person continues to defend himself even though his mask has fallen off, even looking for excuses for what he has done. The lie that came to public light this week was big, they invented a person that did not exist, and even with a disease in his eyes, but still the author says over and over again that he never lied to anyone, and I think it is because not everyone knew that other part of the lie, but it turns out that in a united community there are no secrets.

    What comes next is desolation, when you lie and are found out everyone starts to move away from you, and the fruits you once enjoyed start to wither, the leaves dry up, the sky becomes grayer, just like the picture I shared above, that's how I feel. A person who lies is not only left alone, but it is harder for him/her to start over, I have seen it time and time again through the years, and I understand that in childhood and youth we learn great lessons and the consequences of lies... But an adult in his 30's? Is he justified in lying to so many people?

    Among so many things I witnessed this couple of weeks, there was one thing this person was right about, "I didn't affect anyone." Evidently everyone's life will continue to run as normal. Some people feel cheated, but it doesn't go beyond that, it's a volatile feeling; the real cross is borne by the person who lied and was found out. It's not about causing harm, it's about taking care of an image, an image that was blown out of proportion in a second. Even if he does not affect the lives of others, those others will not see him as a pleasant person and he will be out of the community, but not because he has been banished, but because we all prefer to stay away from untrustworthy people.

    We noble-hearted people think for a few moments: "And now what will become of their future?"; but it doesn't go beyond that. If someone had the intelligence to construct such an elaborate lie that he deceived others for weeks and had an answer for everything, he will surely have the ability to move on. In his hands is that it is with the best of intentions, and even in another place where his image is not stained, but only time will tell if he learned a lesson, because believe me there are people who reach old age stumbling over the same stones over and over again, and precisely are those who say they did nothing wrong and see mistakes in everyone else, except in themselves...

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