Thank you May, for everything💓💓🥰. [ESP-ENG]

in voilk •  last month


    Hola amigos de @lifestyle feliz domingo, espero que esten descansando, por aca la cosa no anda del todo bien, arrancó Junio con mi mami sintiendose bastante mal al punto de parar al hospital, por suerte ya estamos en casa y pidiendole a Dios que no se repita su episodio de dolor 🙏

    Pero bueno, hoy vengo a compartir con uatedes un poco de lo que fue mi mes de mayo, uno muy lindo y especial porque celebramos nuestro dia como madres, y adicional a eso mi amada mami celebró un año mas de vida, hubo salidita con mis amores, celebraciones en el cole del niño, y sobretodo mucha comidita rica, dentro y fuera de casa!! Mayo estuvo genial pero confio plenamente que Junio será aun mejor💓💓

    Fotos de mi propiedad


    Hello friends of @lifestyle happy sunday, I hope you are resting, things are not going well here, June started with my mommy feeling pretty bad to the point of stopping at the hospital, luckily we are home and praying to God that her episode of pain is not repeated 🙏.

    But well, today I come to share with you a little of what was my month of May, a very nice and special one because we celebrated our day as mothers, and in addition to that my beloved mommy celebrated another year of life, there was a little outing with my loves, celebrations at the child's school, and above all a lot of delicious food, inside and outside the house! May was great but I'm fully confident that June will be even better💓💓

    Photos of my property

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