Fashion Runway Vs Track Runway

in voilk •  5 months ago

    First of all, I don’t get the whole controversy about models using make up and photoshop because it’s just like a farmer going to farm with a cutlass or a doctor with a stethoscope, anything wrong with that? No? Then what’s wrong with a model also using her work equipment?

    I do not know much about athletes even though I was a footballer and number 2 in my primary school football team. You might not believe me but I resigned after my teacher scolded me for running away from a particular shot which resulted in a goal. Meanwhile the speed at which the ball was coming was more than that of light and I’m my mom’s last and only baby girl so what was he expecting? Kill myself for the ball?

    Anyway, from that my star player time in primary, I got to know athletes weren’t allowed to take in any form of energy boosting substances. It’s simply because you’re going to be judged based on your performance and your performance will also be based on your strength so if you take something else to boost your strength that means you are actually cheating in the competition. Apart from that, whatever you are going to take also have the potential of altering your body system, causing great havoc to your health and we all know an athlete’s health is his wealth.


    Let’s now talk about where my interest is; models. There are so many types of models. There are clothing models, jewelry models, face models, feet models and a whole lot. Another thing you also need to know is that there are types of makeup. So the makeup a clothing model would do is definitely different from that of a face model and that is also way different from that of a jewelry model.For instance, feet models that advertise shoes mostly do just pedicure for beautiful and clean feet, no makeup.

    I’m seeing people saying that make up has no effects. Come on, it actually does just that it’s avoidable in a way. You can just reduce your application and use original products the right way. Can’t say same for steroids though.
    Honestly, as an individual,can you tell me how many times you’ve been pissed and uncomfortable about your skin because some small heat made you break out? Have you also thought about the fact that athletes have the freedom to train to get that natural strength they need but models naturally have no control over their skin? Is that also fair?


    So now, tell me if there’s anything wrong for a worker (model) to go to work with her work equipment (makeup) and for another worker(athlete) whose work requires him to use his own strength to also go to work depending solely on his strength with no external help (steroids). As far as there are both following their workplace rules, I don’t think there’s any unfairness.

    Thumnail was designed on canva with images 1 and 2

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