[ENG/ESP] Kenga and his tree-climbing antics/ Kenga y sus travesuras trepando árboles.

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hello dear friends of this beautiful Hive Pets community, today I will talk to you about kenga and her antics in the trees, as in my home I have several results that she liked to climb them every day and she now climbs down calmly.

    It's all because small birds arrive and she loves to hunt, unfortunately I couldn't take this trick away from her as they call it colloquially and so the food doesn't stop her appetite for small birds.

    I'm a little scared to see her at heights since she can get injured when she falls. I've seen videos where cats have trouble getting down when they get on, but my kenga is an expert.

    Hola queridos amigos de esta hermosa comunidad Hive pets, hoy les hablaré de kenga y sus travesuras en los árboles, como en mi hogar tengo varios resulta que a ella le dio por treparlos todos los dias y ya se baja tranquilamente.

    Todo se debe a que llegan aves pequeñas y a ella le encanta cazar, lastimosamente no le pude quitar esta maña como le dicen coloquialmente y asi le de comida no deja su apetito por pequeñas aves.

    Me da un poco de miedo verla en las alturas ya que se puede lesionar al caerse, he visto videos donde los gatos al subirse les cuesta bajar pero mi kenga es una experta.


    The tree where he usually climbs often is a mamón tree and its branches are elongated. I used to climb up to eat the fruit and it is usually slippery.

    This kitten surprised me since her mother still has a hard time getting down, she even cries for me to help her get down.

    The birds arrive every day and make their nests, but they are not easily caught since they are fast and any movement of the cat is detected.

    El árbol donde suele subirse seguido es de mamón y sus ramas son alargadas, yo antes me subia a comer del fruto y suele ser resbaloso.

    Esta gatita me ha sorprendido ya que su madre todavia le cuesta para bajarse, incluso hasta llora para que la ayude a bajar.

    Las aves llegan todos los dias y hacen sus nidos, pero no se dejan atrapar fácilmente ya que son rápidas y cualquier movimiento del gato lo detectan.



    The way he uses to go down is slowly and he uses his claws to avoid slipping, he is super intelligent despite being young.

    Quickly looking at the photograph since my mother didn't believe me how high it was, it even made me laugh a little, but then I scolded her since she could get hurt.

    Author: @merlyned
    Telephone: Estudio Blu.
    I hope you like the post, greetings.

    La forma que utiliza para bajarse es lentamente y utiliza sus garras para no resbalarse, es super inteligente a pesar de tener pocos años.

    Al verla rápidamente la fotografié ya que mi madre no me creía hasta la altura donde llegaba, incluso me dio un poco de risa, pero despues la regañe ya que se podia lesionar.

    Autor: @merlyned
    Teléfono: Blu studio.
    Espero que el post les sea de su agrado, saludos.

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