Each day comes with a different experience

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello cleaners,

    I guess we're doing great, today started with a smiling cloud and later it started crying. It cried heavy that people couldn't find their way home. Although we humans with our insatiable needs has cried and pleaded for this day because of the hot weather.

    As it was raining today some people made use of it as a means to dispose the waste and making this disposal into the sewage and on the street.

    When the sewage is disposed in it causes flood like the above picture, so please let's avoid this happening.

    Is the effort we're putting in trying to save the planet being vain? People around who have no knowledge of what they are doing wants us to feel that way but we can't give up as we know that this planet is needed by us and it needs us, so doing our possible best to save it from danger from humans.

    I have come with my pictures from my cleaning for the day.
    Special thanks to;

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