I finally have time to show you what I do // Endlich Zeit, dir zu zeigen, was ich mache

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Still 2025-01-29 160619_1.1.1.jpg

    I finally have time to show you what I do - and finally get back on my skis! ⛷️

    So the January slump has its purpose after all: in the heat of the moment, many projects disappear under the radar or end up in the archive after a campaign.
    I'm now taking the opportunity to show my work and report on my creations - until things pick up again. 😉
    Why is it important to share your own projects?

    ✨ Visibility: If you don't show what you can do, you won't be seen.
    📢 Inspiration: Your experiences and learnings can help others.
    🤝 Network: Showing what you do attracts exciting conversations and new opportunities.
    🎯 Reflection: Sharing makes you more aware of your own successes.
    I look forward to sharing exciting insights over the next few weeks. Stay tuned! 🚀

    Ich habe endlich Zeit, dir zu zeigen, was ich mache – und endlich wieder auf die Ski zu stehen! ⛷️

    Das Januarloch hat also doch seinen Zweck: In der Hitze des Gefechts verschwinden viele Projekte unter dem Radar oder landen nach einer Kampagne im Archiv.
    Jetzt nutze ich die Gelegenheit, meine Arbeiten zu zeigen und über mein Schaffen zu berichten – solange, bis es wieder anzieht. 😉
    Warum ist es wichtig, eigene Projekte zu teilen?

    ✨ Sichtbarkeit: Wer nicht zeigt, was er kann, wird nicht gesehen.
    📢 Inspiration: Deine Erfahrungen und Learnings können andere weiterbringen.
    🤝 Netzwerk: Zeigen, was man macht, zieht spannende Gespräche und neue Chancen an.
    🎯 Reflexion: Durch das Teilen wertet man eigene Erfolge bewusster aus.
    Ich freue mich, in den nächsten Wochen spannende Einblicke zu geben. Bleib dran! 🚀

    Camera: Fujifilm X-H2s
    Lens: Fujinon several lenses
    Filter: none
    Location: Switzerland

    I'm a freelance Filmmaker in Zurich, looking forward to meeting you here on HIVE and explore visual Art.
    All my posts are original content when not stated otherwise.


    Check out my Portfolio and Links.
    Website: http://isnz.ch/
    YouTube: https://goo.gl/rQaiFV
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/isnz.ch/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@isnz.ch

    Where I book hotels: https://bit.ly/riohotel
    Where I book the cheapest flights: https://goo.gl/HRhxoy
    Credit card with best commissions for travels: http://bit.ly/travelcreditcard
    Editing software: http://bit.ly/editing_software

    This is no financial advice. Everything written is my opinion only and you should do your own research. Investing in Bitcoin and other cryptos, lending, DeFi, liquidity mining are high risk investments. You could lose everything, only invest what you can afford.
    Bear in mind that some links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether you decide to buy something is completely up to you.

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