My neighbourhood is alive

in voilk •  2 months ago

    My Neighbourhood Is Alive



    It was a little colder today than the past few days, especially since getting back from Spain. I, however, was determined to get out for a proper walk, particularly since I missed yesterday's.

    You know, this "Wednesday Walk" idea is a good one that actually motivates. It was the deciding factor - the incentive of grabbing some content for Hive :)


    At this time of year, the flowers are bursting out all over the place. Even my neighbourhood, normally relatively run down, is looking quite lively and pleasant at this time of year. Broken bottles of booze and rusting debris from abandoned household devices and furniture have been overgrown by meadows and shrubs. If one were to unknowingly venture into what looks like overgrown lawns, one would promptly step on something sharp and likely end up with some kind of infection.





    Nevertheless, they still make for good photos, which is the whole point of the activity. The sky did momentarily clear up to reveal some blue but it was heavily overcast, and even drizzly, for most of the day.

    Peace & Love,


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