Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge - The Equal Opportunity Ruleset

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello all Splinterlands warlocks, I am thrilled to be back active here once again, after a long inactivity with my blogging, I am excited to write here and participate in the Splinterlands weekly challenge. Today, I write to participate in the battle mage secrets weekly challenge and for this week, we have the EQUAL OPPORTUNITY as our ruleset. Stay tuned and watch out for my entry here in this battle.


    Before we commence with the battle, we have to briefly discuss the ruleset of the battle we are going to have.

    BACK TO BASICS Monsters lose all abilities.

    Back-row monsters are safe from the enemy's Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity attacks. The ruleset places importance on Magic and Ranged attacks as melee attacks lose their ability to hit outside of the first position. Select monsters with high speed and choose a summoner that increases damage or defense against Magic or Ranged attacks. Lining up monsters in ascending order of their health is the way to go.

    Equal Opportunity All Monsters have the Opportunity ability. Speed and HP are the trick here: higher speed will let you target the enemy's low HP monster first, opening the way for your slower monsters to deal damage to higher HP enemy monsters. Keep lower HP monsters in front. Monsters who have two attack types should always be preferred.
    Explosive Weaponary All Monsters have the Blast ability. The best strategy is to have fast monsters with Snipe, Sneak, and Opportunity. For defense, Shield and Void will come in handy.

    **Summoner Used: **

    I used the Helios Matriarch Summoner which increases all monster's speed by one. This summoner costs 6 mana and it is a level two card, it also allows players to add one Gladius monster. With my line-up, I had three monsters and they were the Gorth, Orella Abadon, and Serpentine Spy. My opponent had two monsters in his lineup, Gargpya Scrapper, and Choas Dragon.

    Battle Rounds

    First: In the first round, all monsters took effect from the summoners respectively by gaining additional speed but also, my opponent's summoner also decreased my speed by one. First of all, the Chaos Dragon monster with the highest speed attacked the Serpentine Spy monster first with a magic attack damage which eliminated it right away, and with the Explosive ruleset, the adjacent monster was eliminated as well.

    My last monster (Gorth) then attacked and eliminated the Gargoya Scrapper monster after which the round ended and I was left with just one monster similar to that of my opponent.

    Second: In the second round, as usual, my opponent's Chaos Dragon monster attacked my Gorth monster after which I also attacked it back and eliminated the Armor protection.

    At the end of the round, I was left with nine health on my last monster. My opponent had 10 health so with the next two attacks I will be able to eliminate it.


    In this round, we both attacked each other after which I was left with 6 more health and my opponent was left with 5 health.


    In this round, my opponent attacked first and I was left with 3 more health after which I then attacked and eliminated the last monster on my opponent's lineup.

    The battle did not go further from this stage and I defeated my opponent in four rounds.

    That was not a challenging battle for me but I am glad I was able to maneuver my way out. Check out the battle link here

    I hope that you liked and enjoyed my post. Images were taken from Splinterlands website. Also, the ruleset definition and image were taken from Splintercards. com.


    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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