in voilk •  3 months ago



    See, it's easy to get caught up in making snap judgments based on first impressions and surface-level observations. We see something or someone a certain way at the jump, and our minds automatically start filling in the blanks and making all types of assumptions.

    But here's the real kicker, fam - more times than not, those quick-take judgments don't line up with the full story at all. Turns out, there's usually way more layers and complexities going on under the surface that we can't clock just from a simple glance.

    Real-life example time: I knew this dude back in the day who, if you saw him on the street, you'd probably take one look and think, this cat's a straight-up corner boy hustler, no doubt." Baggy threads, fitted cap low, that whole aesthetic on lock. Your mind would jump to all the obvious conclusions based on how he presented himself outwardly.

    But here's the twist - homeboy was actually one of the most brilliant, educated cats I knew! Dude had majored in computer science at university and had mad skills in coding and programming. His whole look was just his own personal style and vibe, but on the inside,the brother was an entirely different book than the cover would suggest.

    Me and my guys had to learn that lesson the hard way. We'd see him posted up somewhere and just assume he was about that street life based on his outward appearance. Little did we know, half the time we'd find him cranking away on his laptop, building out websites and apps like a tech boss!

    It was a major wake-up call about how misguided our judgments could be when we'd get stuck making all types of ignorant assumptions from mere outward appearances. Nowadays, I try to keep that example in mind anytime I catch myself thinking I already know someone or something's full story.

    'Cause the truth is, human beings are multi-layered, complex beings, ya dig? We all have our own unique journeys, experiences, and driving forces that shape who we are at the core. And a lot of times, those defining inner elements don't get properly conveyed or reflected on the surface level we all get distracted by.

    That's why it's so easy to misjudge a situation or person if you're just going off that initial eye-test perspective. You might peep someone's plain Jane looks or low-key demeanor and think they're a timid, simple individual. But once you crack that outer shell, you could find there's a hilarious firecracker personality or incredibly deep thinker residing under that unassuming cover!

    Long story short, making definitive judgments off pure observation alone is a big rookie mistake. Sure, trust your instincts and gut to a degree, but don't get so locked into those first impressions that you completely dismiss or discount someone before truly getting to know and understand them.

    Keep an open mind and withhold that final book judgment until you have had a chance to read through a few chapters, feel me? 'Cause more often than not, there's whole universes and plot twists lying beneath what you see on the surface that'll low-key blow your preconceived notions out the window when experienced firsthand.

    Things are not always what they appear to be at first glance. That simple truth is something we could all stand to remember more often in this life. Let's not get so swept up in our own personal misperceptions and biases that we miss out on dope people, perspectives, and overall wisdom just waiting for us behind the cover.

    Thank you for reading my post

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