My activity was photographing laying duck breeders collecting their eggs

in voilk •  5 months ago

    hello friends! How are you today! I pray that all my friends will always be in good health so that they can carry out their activities as usual. I hope that today's activities will get results according to what we have hoped for.

    On this occasion I will share several pictures about my activities of photographing one of the people's businesses, namely raising egg ducks, laying duck breeders in the village where I live. At that time I stopped or passed by the village and I saw lots of ducks. and the eggs in the cage, then the person and I did not waste this opportunity and immediately took photos of the egg farmer's activities using a Samsung brand cellphone camera and after I saw them, I edited the pictures using the Adobe Lightroom application so that the images were looks clearer and more attractive.

    my venerable cch friend
    a few days ago when I passed one of the residents' houses not far from where I live and I saw a lot of duck eggs in the resident's cage, I was surprised and took a photo. Apparently the resident kept a lot of egg-laying ducks so that every In the morning they collected the duck eggs and the results were very large, almost reaching 500 eggs every day.

    and most of the residents in the area where I live have a lot of activity, especially farmers and duck breeders because in my area I live directly close to swamps and rice fields so their ducks are released every day into the rice fields to find their own food so that in the afternoon they returned to their cage by themselves and every day they took the duck eggs in their cage.

    As we know, there are quite a lot of activities of residents in my area, one of which is egg-laying duck farming with egg cell activity, so the income of the residents there is very promising and very interesting. Almost every day, I am a duck farmer in my area who produces up to 500 duck eggs. and the duck breeders here at Setawari sell their eggs to markets so that they are no longer overwhelmed in getting a perfect economy because every day they sell their duck eggs for Rp. 5,000 per item and get very satisfying results.

    OK, my friends, here we go, let's look at some pictures about my activities of first photographing laying ducks collecting their duck eggs in the cage. I hope my friends can take advantage of it and also be entertained.

    That's what I can share in this post about my activities of photographing student family activities. And I hope this post is useful for all of us and I think that's all I can write. I hope the scarf is useful and thank you for the visit and support from all of my friends. and finally see you in my next post of course in this greatest community
    thank you very much

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