5 minute freewrite 2347 prompt house on fire

in voilk •  3 months ago

    This is my post for #freewriters 2347 prompt house on fire hosted by @mariannewest.

    There are not many things scarier than seeing a house on fire and when you think it could be your home, it is even scarier. This happened several years ago, I was inside and heard a loud boom like a transformer blowing. I went outside to see what it was but before I got to the door something told me to grab the cordless phone, at that time we only had one cell phone and my husband had it with him.

    I walked to the preserve gate and saw smoke, I called 911 and told them there was a fire, while on the phone with them I could hear what I thought were firetrucks on the next road, I told the 911 operator that they were on the wrong road. As it turned out it was not firetrucks, it was the power company trucks leaving, and they were leaving in a hurry.

    After getting off of the phone with her, I called my husband, he was at Wal Mart checking out. I told him what was going on and he told the cashier he had to go, he left everything on the checkout counter.

    The fire trucks came and left one of their trucks by our home to protect it. We were told the power company was trimming vines from the power poles and knocked one of the wires down which started the fire. The firemen were trying to get some sort of land clearing truck here to make a fire break but it broke down on I-95 so they had a helicopter dumping water on it.

    For some odd reason, GPS does not work at our house so the firemen were having my husband draw them a map of how the preserve ran around our property.

    They took this truck behind our house on the preserve and it kept the fire from getting on our property.

    Another fire company brought their land clearing truck and made a fire break between the preserve and everyone's private property, this is down the street from us. It was close but this fire break saved everyone's home.
    photos are mine

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