in voilk •  4 months ago

    In Africa,there lived a monkey. His friend was a bear and they lived in the same house.
    The monkey had a garden on one side of the forest. The bear had a garden on the other side of the forest.
    All year, the monkey worked hard in his garden. He prepared the ground in January. He planted his seeds in February. In march, April, and May the seeds grew into plants and he watered them.
    After a month, his vegetables were ready to pick. He had corn, potatoes, peas, and beans. 'Oh dear'! I'm so tired. I've worked so hard ', he said.
    The bear was lazy. He didn't work in his garden at all, but every day he made his face dirty before he came home.
    On Monday, the monkey picked some corn,potatoes, and beans. He cooked a lovely dinner, for his friend.
    Mmmm! Tasty said the bear.
    On Tuesday, the bear came home with some corn, potatoes and peas.
    'Here s some corn from my gardens' he said. Yours is better than mine, but try some '.
    On Wednesday, the monkey went to his garden.
    A theif had taken some corn........ and some potatoes..... And some peas!
    The monkey went home, and said to his friend' A theif had taken some vegetables from my garden '.
    ' Really? 'said bear.
    The monkey wanted to catch the theif, he is tensed.
    So on Thursday, he took some clay from the river and made a huge man. He put the clay man in his garden.
    That night, in the light of the moon, the bear came to steal some more vegetables.
    The night was dark, and quiet. The bear hit the clay man, his front paws stuk to the clay. He kicked the clay man :his back legs stuck to the clay.
    On Friday morning, the monkey came to his garden and saw the bear stuck to the clay man.
    Aha'I've caught you! hope that teaches you a lesson ', monkey said.
    He pulled the bear away from the clay man and threw him into the forest, but the bear just ran away.
    This is why the bear and monkey are not friends today.

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