I am Learner

in voilk •  4 months ago

    I am a Student. How simple is this answer. No jobs and no stress is wandering around me. Still student life sometimes become hectic, tired and dry too.

    Interestingly, In summer vacations i did job. I went to local school to teach students. Being a student facing the students was a challenging one. In first few days, i was exhausted and frustrated but i learned and got understanding of how to teach. Management of school was cooperative and they taught me strategies to engage more with students.

    I was on teacher's seat. It was totally different feeling. I was observing the students from lense of teacher where i had to engage with everyone and had to keep them equal in education.

    Following the schedule was hard and tough because my daily life routine shifted. I managed things very well with optimistic mindset. Still remember, there were many students who were close to me. Sometimes i used to narrate them stories. Kids used to enjoy my stories. Students are skilled in wasting time of their teachers by listening life-stories of teacher. Hahaha.

    Students were scared of taking tests and exams. It's very typical of students. Even i can relate with it( obviously, because i am also a student).

    I still have all those cards which i received on teachers' day.

    How two months flied? It is still a question for me. It is the experience which is helping me in recent life and will help me in future too.

    What i am doing these days?

    University, hostel, friends and much more. If you just ask that how's my life is going on? Then i will just answer it with one line;

    Eat,drink & be marry

    This line from "Three days to see" defines my life of these days.

    I go to university where load of academics is always stressful. Still take a chill pill and no worries!

    I know the tricks of keeping everything in balance. I do enjoyment and studies. I keep everything in my pocket. It doesn't mean that my bag's pocket is so big. The line is just metaphorically used.

    When life knocks me hard then i find escape. Leave everything and runs to tranquility and peace. You know an easy escape? Nature.

    I always have thousand things to say in natural & floral setting. I love to being alone and aloof. Sitting in the shadow of tree, in the middle of day, i enjoy scrolling my finger on the half dark pages of book.

    Oh- i missed part of "Eating and Greeting".
    I am a wanderer. Explorer's spirit always pushes me to "try something new" and explore the historical sites. I have huge fondness in my heart for old and ancient places.

    Moreover, i have an empty stomach which always call for "food items" to eat. Yummy and perfect desserts are my love.

    I have visited many shops. Still in journey to explore more spots.

    It's a student life and it's going like a wave in the Sea. Sometimes, it's wild, mild, cried and relaxed. It's mixture.

    In short, student life is my job where i am showing full of myself.

    I want to listen about your job! Tell me in comment section.
    See you next time 🌸🌼.

    Thank you so much for scrolling down.

    every picture belongs to me

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