WHO DO MEN SAY I AM? || Why you Should Focus More On Personal Branding As A Believer

in voilk •  12 days ago


    So I have been poundering more on these recently, why would Jesus even care as to what men think or say about him, he is omnipotent, He is Jesus the very sub of God, he could read minds whenever people are gathered around, he could do miracles and whatever he wanted to see happen, but then Jesus asked a very profound Question...Who do Men Say I Am?....

    I understand the fact that a lot of people will say it doesn't really matter what others think or say about you, just go about your business keep your head up and you will succeed, but hey wake up smell the coffe, in most cases it doesn't really work like that.

    Ever heard the word, a tree cannot make a forest?, yeah, that's more like that word, just you and all your money wealth and influence cannot become so big as you want, as little as small whatever you are doing your reputation matters a lot, what image are you putting out there for people to see, how do people percieve you, in your office, neighbourhood, church, or anywere, how do people see you matters,

    Remember first of all as a believer we are to carry the exact same image of Christ anywere we go, we are to live Christianity as a lifestyle not as a religion, so people see us as Christ.


    But then again I have a problem with some set of believers, because of the grace of God they really do not want to put in effort into doing anything, because of The grace upon their lives they act nonchalant, lacadastically doing a lot of things in a way that is far from good and pleasing why because the Grace of God will always provide, this is basically why you see it looks as if the unbelievers are prospering more than in the kingdom having so much advantage but do not utilise them...

    The bible says Have you seen a man that is diligent in his business he will stand before kings and not with ordinary men, now there's something we're are leaving behind and it's also why we ought to build our reputation, our self image, our personal branding and this is also what the outside world leverage on for growth and expansion in the corporate world..

    Remember we started by trying to get why Jesus would asked his disciples who men say he is, why was it important. Meanwhile there's a concept we carry as believers or generally, that what others think or say about us doesn't matter, what matters is what we think of our selves, yah, both statement are true to some extent but the later isn't out rightly true, because in this life to succeed, to grow to expand in business and in whatever endeavour you find yourself, whatever character, or reputation that you have built over time will determine how fast you grow, because it is these same people who have known you to be a particular kind of person, they are the one to make recommendations to some higher authority or friends in high places or some key connections that you need to scale up fast meanwhile on your own that will take time and years to reach, so today make up your mind to think, act, behave in a manner that will attracts the goodwill of men to your life. .

    @Hiventhusiast thanking you for your time and attention every upvotes reblog and comments are very much appreciated


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