A Letdown for This Foodie

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Everyone around me knows that I’m a food lover. I love food with all my heart but I’m also very picky with what I eat. When I was younger I would always laugh at my siblings when they refuse to eat because they weren’t talking to my mom. She would say ‘ the food hasn’t offended you , so why won’t you eat.’

    Then there’s me on the other hand. Now matter the type of situation I’m in with my mom, I always make sure to eat to my satisfaction. After I’m done eating, we can continue with our silent games.😂

    There’s no one on this earth who can tell me they don’t eat. We all eat different kinds of foods everyday based on our preferences. It would be very difficult to find someone in the US eating Fufu. Every country and even tribe has their food and that’s the beauty of food. It is even said that, man must not live by bread alone.Make sure to substitute your bread with pie sometimes. 😅

    I love food and I most certainly love trying need foods. But, in all my years of eating, I never seem to understand how and why people eat plantain. I don’t know about others but I personally don’t have a sweet tooth. Also, I don’t see the reason why food should taste like a sweet. I think plantain shouldn’t be classified as food but rather a snack if you ask me. Plantain chips makes sense but plantain with rice, c’mon.

    I’m always surprised when I go to buy food with my friends and they all manage to buy plantain with most of their rice meals. Waakye with plantain, plain rice with plantain, and even beans with plantain. Can’t be me. I have tried so hard to like plantain but I just can’t get myself to enjoy it because I find it to be too sweet. The only time you would find me eating plantain is when I really don’t have an option because if I did , I would never opt for it.

    I’m sure someone out there would also not like my favourite food and that’s okay. We are all entitled to our own opinions and it’s a good thing there’s always a variety of dishes to choose from on earth. But before I conclude my plantain should be classified as a sweet campaign, I have one question for plantain lovers. How do you do it?

    all images belong to me.

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