Equalizer and Scattershot Ruleset Save The Tanker Who Weak Against Magic

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello everyone, we meet again. Today I will make a post again about the Splinterlands Battle Mage Secret Challenge contest. This Week's Theme is the Equalizer ruleset.

    I play in the Modern Format Diamond League, using my scholar account from Balthazar I only use cheap cards like Chaos, Reward, and some Neutral.

    Battle Link

    If you want to watch the Battle Link
    Video link:


    • chrome_jZ6ifpUZSC.png equalizer All monsters have the same HP based on the highest HP the monster has in the battle.

    • firefox_kmY4Nhtuep.png Aimless ruleset, all monsters has Scattershot ability.

      • Scattershot ability, the range and magic attack will hit a random target.
    • mana cap.

    • can use all elements except Earth.

    My Lineup and strategy

    We will use the Death element which has a unit that can decrease the damage from the range and magic attack, because of the Scattershot ruleset and we have high HP due to the Equalizer ruleset, we only need to worry about the melee attack, and we have the summoner who can make all of our monsters has a higher chance to evade the melee and range attack.

    This is my lineup :

    Summoner or monsterAbilitiesDescription
    Astral Entity, Summoner. Can decrease the enemy armor by -2, Give Dodge the ability to ally monsters, and have Resurrect ability.We used this Death summoner because can give Dodge (increase chance to evade the enemy melee and range attack by 25%) and Resurrect ability (bring back one friendly monsters who die). The decrease in the enemy armor will make the enemy easier to kill.
    Ever-Hungry Skull, 1st position, attacker and tanker. Has the ability Flying, Thorns, and Return Fire.Flying ability is the same as the Dodge ability. With these 2 buffs, this monster already has a chance to evade the enemy melee and ranged attack by 50%. Thorn and Return Fire abilities will give damage back to the enemy who attacks this monster with melee or range attack. The speed is not bad but not good either with the ability of this monster and the summoner we hope that this monster can evade many melee and range attacks. With high armor and the ruleset Equalizer this monster who has 1 HP becomes the same as another monster. The only weakness of this monster is magic damage.
    Will-O-Wisp, 2nd position, attacker and support. Has the ability Flying, Weaken, and Silence.We use this unit because has Silence ability to decrease the enemy magic attack. Have Flying ability like Ever-Hungry Skull. Weaken ability will decrease all the enemy HP by -1. This monster is strong against melee and range attack.
    Skok Dustblight, 3rd position, attacker and support. Has the ability Weapons Training, Fury, and Resurrection.We use this unit because has Weapon Training to give magic attack to Will-O-Wisp and Riftwing. Has the same ability as our summoner Resurrection. Fury ability makes this monster do double damage if hit the monster with the Taunt ability .
    Riftwing, 4th position, Attacker and Support, has the ability Flying, Scavenger, Backfire, and Headwinds.We use this monster because has Headwinds ability to decrease the enemy range attack. Scavenger ability will increase our Riftwing HP by 1 every time our monster and the enemy monster die, I hope if this monster moves to the first position already has good HP. Backfire ability, If an enemy misses this monster with an attack, the attacker takes 2 damage. Flying ability like Ever-Hungry Skull and Riftwing.
    Spirit Hoarder. 5th position, attacker and support. Has Triage, Dispel, and blind abilitiesTriage ability can heal monsters not in the first position. The Dispel ability can erase the effect of the buff from the enemy monster in the first position. Put this in here because this monster has low speed and HP is easy to die. We need this Blind ability, which will increase the chance for all our monsters to evade the enemy magic and ranged attack by 15%.
    Dumacke Orc, 6th position, Tanker in this position. Has the ability Shield, Thorns, and Retaliate.This monster is strong against a melee attack because it has Shield ability (decrease the melee damage by 50%. In this position, this monster can't attack we put it here to protect against a monster with the Sneak ability (attack the monster in the last position) in case the enemy brings it. With the Retaliate ability if this monster attacks it has a 50% chance to hit back and the Thorns ability will decrease the melee attacker by -2 if hits this monster. This is a very strong monster against melee attacks, have base stats of 1 HP so it's weak against monsters with Sneak ability who have Poison attack but because of the Equalizer ruleset this monster is not easy to die even if got poison status.

    Our Formation is finished and we are ready to battle :

    Did your Strategy Work?

    Yes, the strategy works well, there are several strategies that we use in this battle:

    • The key is the Aimless ruleset first because this monster magic monster can't focus on attacking, they hit random enemies. Range and magic monsters lose the effectiveness in the Equalizer ruleset. It is difficult to focus on attacking and killing certain enemies because it has a large HP. So we dare to use monsters that are weak against magic as tankers at the front, Ever-Hungry Skull.
    • We decrease the enemy magic and range attack by -1, in high battles you can be sure that the enemy will use magic and range because many magic and range monsters are good both as attackers and as support (heal, debuff the enemy, and buff our monsters ).
    • We have reduced the monster's magic damage and range, and only the melee attack remains, here we use Astral entity which provides Dodge ability, plus Spirit Hoarder. The combination of the two has provided the ability to avoid melee and ranged attacks by 35% plus we brought several monsters that have the ability Flying so that the total increase in the ability to avoid ranged and melee attacks is 60% for monsters that have the ability Flying, ignoring the speed difference between our monster and the attacking monster. We can see the effect below when enemy monsters attack Ever-Hungry Skull which has the Flying ability:

    Thank you, my friend, for taking the time to review my battle report. I appreciate your efforts and would be grateful if you could provide me with feedback on any mistakes you find by leaving a comment.

    If you are new and want to try this fantastic strategy card battle game feel free to use my referral code https://splinterlands.com?ref=poplar-22 to join.


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