Can overuse of technology be our enemy? WEEK 192

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Can overuse of technology be our enemy?


    Lately I have the feeling that time has compressed and that the week is not as long as it used to be, I honestly don't know if it's just me or if someone else feels the same way.

    I have so many things to do both in my service and at home that time seems to be my enemy.

    But let's get over that and after reading the two topics the first one particularly caught my attention, and one aspect that I have noticed in society (here I mean the one I belong to, the one in Romania) is that of change, but not change into something better but it seems that society fights against it.

    Now I have to be a bit objective, to choose something popular that annoys me in society, God how hard it is for me to choose from the multitude of things that annoy me, so today I want to stop on one of the most annoying things, namely the idea of excessive mobile phone use (we call it herd effect in Romania).


    Yes, that makes me so mad I want to leave the planet (just kidding), it really does and from what I've noticed there's no chance of a cure.

    If I said that, I have to justify it.

    I don't even know where to start, there's so much to write about.


    It seems that because of the advent of this mobile phone technology, people are no longer communicating with each other, but are non-stop with their eyes in the phone, sometimes I wonder what they find in that phone that they use it so much.

    I have the impression that people have got into that mobile phone and seem to be prisoners of it, we eat while looking at our phone, we clean with our phone, we drive our car using our phone (this is not a good idea and here in Romania it is forbidden), we don't even go to the shop to do our shopping but we do it directly from our mobile phone.

    From time to time I travel by public transport and believe me a large percentage of passengers use mobile phones, at some point this can become an obsession or an illness.


    What's worse is that the younger generations are 100% dependent on the mobile phone, I have a few friends who have children (aged 2-5 years) as long as they don't have a mobile phone switched on in front of them you can hardly communicate with those children but once they see the mobile phone switched on and cartoons running on it the children turn you feel like you are alone in the house.

    In conclusion of today's post, the excessive use of mobile phones annoys me a lot because there is no more communication or socialization between people, often with negative consequences.


    If you liked what you saw and read here please don't forget to give a LiKe, Follow, reBlog or a Comment, for all this I thank you, and until the next post I say goodbye.

    P.S. The attached pictures you have just seen are taken by me with my mobile phone, and the text is also designed by me.

    Yours @triplug😉

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