Frog Battle Card Game - Pack Market Is Coming!

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Next phase of da frog battle card game is da market of da packs.


    Sum of us could buy (test) packs up until yesterday. Da last few pre-Alpha test packs are no longer fer sale. Seems they could be heading to da market. One of da next phases fer da frog battle card game are da markets. Markets fer single cards and packs of cards. Getting closer and closer. There was a link to go buy packs. It is no longer there. So can't buy any moar packs right now. May be able to sell sum packs though. Looking forward to da player to player markets. Managed to stock up on sum packs while I had da chance. Have a whole 26 packs. Think we had 196 packs in dis' per-Alpha (test) release. So me froggie haz about thirteen percent (13%) of da packs. Many were opened during dis' early stage to test and hab fun playing. Just opened four packs. Just enough to get a matching double Level one (1) common card so me froggie could demonstrate leveling up a card. Looking forward to da market to look for moar matching cards.

    Have a collection of eleven (11) cards from four packs of which two Level one's were leveled up to a Level two card. There are sum Level three cards and even one Level Four card!

    Will be sharing moar soon...

    Sum kind of market coming soon. Dis may be da card or da pack market.

    Stay tooned.

    Feels Good Man!


    *notification list (comment to be added): @beckyonweb @bitphoto @blanchy @efmm @elizabethbit @ganjafarmer @gregscloud @ironshield @kenny-crane @nomaddreamer @pepe.voter @thebighigg @tydynrain @zonadigital21 *

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