in voilk •  4 months ago


    Our environment is always susceptible to continuous growth, and while those changes are always beautiful to see and also makes life easier for us, it also has its own disadvantages. As they say, there is nothing that has advantages and doesn't have its own disadvantages, I think it's just how the world works. As humans, we just adjust unconsciously and even sometimes, consciously.

    To be very honest, I miss those old times where there were humans actually relate to one another on a deeper, and more genuine level. There was this really beautiful connection, and when I think of it now because of this topic, I realized how much I miss it. I remember this particular time when my family used to gather outside our compound then to eat and also talk about a lot of things, our neighbors would even join us.

    It was usually so interesting, beautiful and I always didn't want those nights to end. Everyone would make jokes and laugh so hard. No one was engrossed with their gadgets or anything else. Just genuine connection that is very beautiful to behold.

    Lately, things have really changed as so many things have changed, a lot of growth has happened, technology has been insanely incredible, and the economy has been very draining as well. It's as if all these has started making us lose ourselves. You could be in a room with group of people and everyone will just be so engrossed with one thing or the other and might not even exchange too much words. Technology is not even the only thing causing this, I feel like there is a lot more.

    I also think time is a great factor here, because as it evolves, a lot of things change. I remember when I used to listen to all these moonlight tales back then. Kids will gather round and my mom will start telling us all these nice stories, in our native language. It was always so interesting and there used to be games too. I don't see that happening around this time at all, and it's been a long time I saw that kind of gathering anywhere, I don't even know why.

    The economy is also contributing to all of these, things are hard and people have a lot of other things on their minds asides having fun. Imagine a family man that had a really strenuous day and could barely manage to eat, how does he want to create a time to bond with the family? Everyone just seems to be busy with trying to bring their lives to a point that really makes sense, and that's quite understandable.

    These gadgets that keeps us busy does a lot for us in this generation. Some learn on it, some make money on it, some create on it, some get lifetime opportunities from it. At the end of the day, we have come to embrace this changes and as much as we miss how things used to be in the past, we can not get stuck in it. At the same time, we can consciously try to do better as well. Connect genuinely with people around us and strengthen our relationships with people.

    Thank you for reading❤️

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