Fell Dragon Book 8 Part 48 (End)

in voilk •  13 hours ago

    Greetings Fans

    Today is the final day of Fell Dragon. It has been almost 2 years and the story is done. The story has been with me far longer and I am glad that I managed to finally finish it.

    While Fledgling with continue from here, the updates may not be as frequent as I just haven't had the time to write on it. I hope everyone has loved this story as much as I have!

    Saita closed the door and made her way to where a fire had just started building strength. She added a few more logs before asking, “Would you like some breakfast? I don’t actually know if you eat or not.”

    “Tea would be most appreciative.” Matta looked around the cabin entrance. Off to his right, there was a large kitchen while to the left seemed to be a lounge. Further into the cabin, he saw several rooms, bathrooms, and a staircase that led to the second level. Along the staircase were many photos.

    Matta stepped forward to look at the images. They were mostly of children together with Bolx and the human queen. The Heavenly jumped a little when Saita handed him a cup of tea.

    “Jasmine, it’s all I have here until I get more from town.”

    She then admired the photos herself and a sad smile came over her face. She touched a few of them and Matta couldn’t help but see tears come to her only eye. She wiped it away and continued with what she was doing in the kitchen.
    Matta continued to look at the images, recognizing the twins with their father and older brother. The girl with golden hair and the boy with bushy, black hair, just like his father.

    “I named her Saasha Kay once her hair came in, and the boy, well, I was going to name him after his father, but Bolx shut it down quickly. He came up with Kaiden Bolx, never sure if he meant my father or Kaiden.”

    Matta smiled and continued to look at the images. There were far more children than just the twins, and he was left wondering whose they were when Saita set a plate of warm food on the table in the lounge and sat eating while watching him.

    Matta tore his eyes away from the photos and asked, “Where is Bolx? I would very much like to speak to him too.”

    Saita smiled sadly once more and asked, “How much time do you think has passed, Matta?”

    The question caught him off guard as the human queen scratched at the green bandana on her face. Surely, he didn’t wait that long to come see her. Saita chuckled and continued with her meal.

    He continued to look at the photos and quickly realised that far more time had passed than he had wanted. He turned back to Saita as she said, “Bolx died about 100 years ago. He lived till the ripe old age of 150. We spent a long time together, and grew our family considerably.”

    Matta felt his mouth drop open. Saita didn’t look older than when he had seen her in hospital giving birth. If what she was saying was true, she was very close to being 250 years old. Something which just wasn’t possible. How could he have made this mistake? How was she alive?

    “A combination of the system and Jethron’s magic. He’s long gone too but his magic lingers, and I’m still here. The completed system slows down my aging, repairing old cells and replacing them as needed. Which is why I likely eventually managed to have children, according to Jarah.”

    She looked to the staircase, “After the twins, we had a few more kids. We had another daughter. She was well-planned in advance this time. Then Siar told me that Saasha and Brucel had saved embryos and gave me a letter stating their intent. Bolx was only too happy to agree when I said I wanted to be a surrogate. He hoped it would allow me to get over the guilt of having Saasha and Brucel die. Siar and I both underwent the treatment and carried together. She bore Seanar’s son, and I gave Saasha a daughter. She stayed with us for a long time before she was old enough to understand where she came from. She’s the other golden-haired child with a golden tail. We sent her to the Academy as soon as she was old enough. She joined the twins when she graduated, and they were a force to be reckoned with.”

    She then looked thoughtful, “Bolx and I even adopted one of Saseric’s children. He was a handful but made a good king in the end. We adopted a few more along the way, had a few more too.”

    She indicated a room close to where Matta was standing. He went inside and turned the light on. The one wall had a mural of a tree with hundreds of names. This was her family tree; one she had diligently been updating.

    “Aidan made a good king and had a few kids himself. Burying him when he died of old age was difficult, and that was when I decided I couldn’t live out there anymore. I wasn’t aging while everyone else was. Bolx came with me.” Saita licked her lips and tried to not tear up.

    Matta turned the light off and came to sit across from Saita. She smiled and continued.

    “In the end, Bolx’s mind went, and he thought I was Kaiden. He’d look at those pictures and be so proud that they had survived the Fell Dragon and their son had been born healthy. I didn’t want to break his heart, and so I pretended for him. A year later, he was dead. I buried him on Saith, next to his counterpart, wife, and daughter. Few people knew who I was then, even less now. It’s better that way. I got to enjoy a family and my loved ones, and now I wait for you.”

    “You were waiting for me?”

    “Aidan and Bolx told me a lot about what happened while they were missing for almost six months. Told me about your involvement and what I was to become.”

    “That is still in our future, Saita. I cannot make that choice for us without you agreeing to it.”

    She sighed, “If I don’t, then I lose them. It’s just another trap.”

    Matta wasn’t privy to what had happened to Bolx and Aidan, but they had clearly told Saita, and it had stuck with her for over two centuries. He wasn’t sure if the flow of time was that strict that if she didn’t do what they had told her she would do, her future would change. He looked back to those photos. Those were her legacy; proof that she had existed. He didn’t know what to say to her. He turned back, set his cup down, and placed a hand over hers.

    “You don’t have to agree to anything. I am only here to talk.”

    “What? Like she does?” Saita pointed upwards to her head.

    Matta sighed and pulled his hand back, “Kay was supposed to remain silent until I came to talk to you.”

    “She tried to keep that promise. But as soon as I started losing family and my line was watered down, she was the only thing that kept me sane. She’s only around when needed.”

    “So, you know then?”

    “That I’m the Fell Dragon? I’ve known since before the birth of my first set of twins. However, Kay said I can refuse.”

    “You can.”

    “But then a new Dragon needs to be made since she killed all the others.”


    “And what happens to the Heavenly if there is no Dragon?”

    “I don’t know.” He shrugged. “Honestly, we should have faded by now, but with you being immortal…”

    “Please don’t say that.” She begged.

    “Saita, I have worked centuries it would seem, to make the necessary changes for the Dragon not to be as it was in the past. The intents left behind have been freed. The cage is open for the Dragon to come and go. They are balance keepers, and we are their guides. I will never allow a Dragon to be shackled again, and that is why I cannot force you to join with me as your guide. It will mean immortality for both of us and it's something you don’t want.”

    Saita looked around the room she was in. She had long since stopped checking in on those who were her family. Her human and Saith bloodlines still existed but were considerably watered down at this point. Now and again, those from her family would pay homage to her, and a baby would get some form of her name, but most families no longer knew why the names had been handed down.

    None of that would have been possible if Matta and Kay hadn’t stood up for her with their demands and promises. But she had fought so hard against becoming the Fell Dragon. She had made so many sacrifices.

    She smiled; she had had a life. It hadn’t always been a good one, but she had lived, loved, and prospered despite what had been done to her. She couldn’t stand the thought of anyone having to go through with what she had.

    If she could prevent a Dragon from being forced into her place, then she would have come full circle. This was a choice. The option to say no was there, but that wasn’t the option she was going to choose.

    She grinned and said, “I haven’t trained hard in the last few decades. It may take time for me to get back into shape.”

    “Then you have an answer?”

    “We both knew what my answer was going to be.” She said.

    “You would not have to stay in the cage. You can continue living here. You could even find another love.”

    “Perhaps in time, but for now, I need to find where Aidan and Bolx vanished off to, so I can help them home. Otherwise, the wish cannot happen to bring them back. Can you help me do that?”

    Matta smiled and lay his right hand across the table, and Saita lay her hand over his.

    “As Dragon, Heavenly, and aid, we will find them. This bond will only last for as long as you wish it. You will never feel forced, never feel trapped, and when you’re ready to move on, we will do so together. You only have to tell me.”

    Saita took a deep breath, looked Matta in the eyes, and said, “I’m ready to be the Fell Dragon.”

    And so, with a bittersweet conclusion, Fell Dragon draws to a close. Thank you to all the fans who have read along with every update. It has been a pleasure!

    For those of you who have never heard of Fell Dragon you can find Book 1 here, Book 2 here, Book 3 here, and Book 4 here, Book 5 here, Book 6 here, and Book 7 here
    If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I love discussing my books!
    As the series continues, it will combine with another book series I wrote. To avoid confusion about what is happening, introductory chapters will be introduced separately so that you don't have to be lost. However, these chapters will contain spoilers. You can find these chapters here:
    Races Explained
    Royal Guard
    Saasha’s Direct Family
    Saith Characters Recap
    Human Characters Recap
    Alternate Timeline Brucel
    If you want to join the Reader's list, just ask or follow me for updates on this and my other stories.

    Haven't read the other parts yet? Follow these handy links:
    Part 47>>Fell Dragon's End
    Reader's List
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