In Your Loving Embrace Mom, I Find My Melody 🎵❤️

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hello hello hello!! everyone, it's haruki.tls123 back with another blog post! I'm super excited to have you here. As we celebrate the Women's Month, I thought it's the perfect time to talk about someone really special to me—my mom. She's been like a beautiful song playing in the background of my life, and I want to share with you just how amazing she is ❤️

    Do you have someone who is great, spends time with you, cares for you, and is an important person? Well, I do, and she's more than just a person in my life; she's the embodiment of love, strength, and compassion. With her nurturing presence, she fills every moment of mine with warmth and understanding. Her black hair cascades like a waterfall of midnight silk, framing a face that radiates kindness and wisdom. And her brown eyes, oh, they're like windows to a soul overflowing with empathy and love. Every touch from her feels like a gentle reminder of her unwavering support and boundless affection. Yes, that's my mom, my melody, my guiding light in this journey called "life".

    Huhu, I don't have a lot of pictures of my mom since she is kind of that person who doesn't like it:> HAHAHAHHA. She will always said "I'm ugly so don't snap a picture on me or I'll snap your mouth" HAHAHHAHAHAHAHH just kidding, even though she's a strict mother, I'm grateful because I always feel safe through her knowledge. Yes, I'm a Mama's Boy actually:>. Growing up as a Mama's Boy in Manila has shaped me in more ways than I could have imagined. My mom, being protective, always kept me away from certain circles, especially those in Manila, because she knew the challenges and temptations the city posed. And yes, being from Manila, you know how it is – the hustle, the bustle, and the allure of the streets. Perhaps it was her strictness that disciplined me, although I'll admit, it did frustrate me at times and I know all of us experience it from our parents. However, as I've matured, I've come to understand her intentions. She simply wanted to ensure that my future was secure and that I was on the right path. You see, I was born into poverty, and my mom knew that the key to lifting myself up was to stay on the straight and narrow. It wasn't just for my own sake, but for the betterment of our entire family.My mom's guidance wasn't just about me; it was about lifting us all up, ensuring that we all had a chance at a better life. So, while I may have resented her strictness in the past, I now see it as the greatest gift she could have given me – a path to success and prosperity, not just for myself, but for my Papa and to my
    little brother also.


    As you can see in the picture above, you'll notice that my dad, is very tall HAHAHAHAH which is a trait I've definitely inherited from him 😇. But did you also notice something else? If you did, you might have noticed that he's not standing quite right. Sadly, my hardworking father was paralyzed due to a mild stroke while he was on the job. This unfortunate event meant that he could no longer work, and the heavy responsibility of providing for our family fell onto my mom's shoulders. Despite my mom's small height, her strength is immeasurable. It's been many years since Papa's stroke, and here I am, still standing, all thanks to my mother's unwavering support. Sure, our circumstances became tougher without Papa's income, but instead of dwelling on it, Mom chose to be resourceful. She started selling bread, tapping into her cousin's small bakery, and even ventured into selling "puto" on the side. My mother's resourcefulness and resilience are truly remarkable, and I'm incredibly grateful to have a mother like her.


    This knowledge, these skills, the medals, and achievements I've garnered—they're all gifts. But my mother? She's not just a gift; she's a blessing. Despite her strictness, she's incredibly understanding, overflowing with love for me, my little brother and my father.
    Even in our toughest moments, she's selfless and not at all materialistic. She does everything for my sibling and me.


    She always balances herself to make time for my little brother and me, while sidelining on her work. Sometimes, I can't help but feel sorry for her as she tirelessly takes care of us. That's why I do my best in school and strive to finish my education—to repay her and my father for all their sacrifices. I don't want my mom to be overworked like my dad, who suffered a mild stroke due to his relentless dedication to his job. And you know what's funny about my mom? When she's drunk, HAHAHAHHA! You won't believe it, but she starts dancing like a zombie or a robot. It's hilarious! Sometimes she says the most random things, and other times, she'll suddenly start praying out of nowhere. HAHAHAHAHA! She's not just kind-hearted and hardworking; she's also incredibly jolly. Promise! ^^

    And when it comes to my mom's preferences, she absolutely loves eating pancit Canton or bread. But what she loves even more is singing! Ahhhhhh, her voice is just so majestic!!!!~ Maybe that's where I got my singing voice, AYY


    HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA! Just kidding, even though my hobby is singing ,I'm not really a good singer, but my mom? Ohh to the M to the G, she can belt out the tune 🤩🎵. Her favorite song is the theme song from the Titanic movie, "My Heart Will Go On" and when she starts singing this song, you'd think the entire Titanic ship was resurrected! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!

    And since I enjoy singing too, it's like I've found my melody in my mom's embrace.In her embrace, I find the comfort and inspiration to pursue my passion for life, knowing that she's always there to support and uplift me. To my Mom, thank you for having a remarkable ability to harmonize and orchestrate the rhythm of my existence. Your presence brings order to the dissonance, guiding me through grace and wisdom. Like a skilled conductor, you navigate the ups and downs, weaving a symphony of love, resilience, and hope in my life... Your unwavering support and nurturing embrace serve as the foundation upon which I build my life's melody, knowing that with you by my side, every discordant moment finds its place in the beautiful composition of my own story ❤️!!

    To everyone who reads this blog, remember the invaluable role that mothers play in our lives. Their love knows no bounds, and their support is unwavering. Take a moment to appreciate and cherish the melodies they bring to our lives, and let us strive to honor their love by embracing each moment with gratitude and joy.


    thank you for reading this new blog of mind today!!! haruki.tls123 out~ sayonara<3 ❤️

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