Delivery Driving With a Helper

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hello friends and Hivers. I hope you all are doing well. A bit of storms here the last couple of days. I'm really starting to miss me some sun but it will return soon enough. This article will be about me delivery driving with a helper, my son.

    Before we get there I woke up on Sunday in kind of a lazy mood. I'll blame the rainy weather on it, hehe. It was pouring rain much of it. Spent the majority of the morning on the couch sipping away on some coffee. It took me awhile but I made a late breakfast. The morning really slipped away from me and I didn't bother trying to wake my son up until breakfast was done.

    The master plan was to go around noon time but we didn't leave until around 2:30. This wasn't the first time my son has accompanied me doing this. It's only been a handful of times and he has only drove three times.

    There are some benefits to tag teaming this job. Two is better than one in several tasks. As far as safety is concerned most of the phone transactions that happen when the vehicle is in motion can be done by the passenger. This allows the driver to pay more to attention to their responsibilities of driving.

    Another advantage is when it comes to huge food orders or large grocery orders. It less work and fewer trips are needed to the customer's doorstep. We had four grocery orders today and it saved me at least 8 trips of carrying groceries. A time saver which allows more time to get more orders. We didn't have any apartment deliveries which can be a pain especially if you have to climb multiple stairs carrying groceries. If we did, it would have made it not so bad having two extra hands.

    Some others benefits include having someone to keep you company. Being it's a family member it allows time to bond and make some money at the same time.It's also useful when you deliver in areas that don't have close parking or have parking that requires payment. It's nice to get as close to the delivery point as possible. Avoiding parking meters is a good thing. It's done by one person dropping off the goods while the driver circles around to pick you up when your done.

    Another benefit that doesn't have a bearing doing the job so much but is good driving experience for a young driver. I remember him doing it for the first time, he would miss turns, drive by the delivery house and among other things. I tell you it was a little stressful sitting in the passenger seat as someone else drives your car 😂. Anyways he got a lot better each time he went. I believe him doing this has made him a better driver.

    Alright let's get to the delivering stats. We only drove for a little over two hours and did five deliveries. We had four grocery orders we picked up at Walmart. One was single order which was our first delivery. The others were a bundled 3 order delivery. In between these grocery orders we did a good delivery we picked up at Panera Bread.

    So we drove a total of 45 miles and made about 55 dollars. Recently I have saved all of my delivery driving earnings so I can fix my old car which will become my son's car. Afterwards we decided to go out for some delicious ice cream. If your curious as to where and how the experience went you can read about it here.

    If my son isn't busy with his friends he doesn't mind going out doing some deliveries with me. When he drives my ears sometimes bleed because I let him listen to his music 😂 There's a few songs on his playlist I don't mind though 😊

    Well this is all I have for you this time. I should have something cool and special next time. Take care, stay safe and enjoy the rest of the week.

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