Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1274)

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hello Everyone!

    Getting to sleep early, Some intense dreaming, Sorting the tools, Covering the propane tank ports & More rain ahead!

    Alright, I am starting my writing routine fourteen minutes early this evening... so once again I want to state that changing my start time was an excellent idea. I probably should have done that earlier than I did... and in so doing spared myself a ton of frustration along the way.

    Last night I fell asleep much earlier than I have been of late... and although I am unsure on the exact time... I think that it was before midnight. I also had a series of extremely intense dreams... and although I will not detail them here... in the very first dream I got caught by surprise by a very early blizzard whilst living in a tent!

    Needless to say that I also got up super early in the morning after getting my usual six hours of sleep... but when I looked out the window and saw it was still dark... I immediately went back to sleep. After all the activities of the day before it is no wonder that I could not quite muster the willpower to start my day that early... but it is a good sign that I am on the right track with getting my sleep cycle to where it needs to be.

    A few hours later when I awoke again... I immediately dove into my Hive engagement routine... and this time I even did a wee bit of actual engagement... so that was nice. Although I still have a lot of tumultuous feelings over Powering Down me and my Mom's Hive accounts... to help with my moving expenses (as well as expenses for the new place) I do have to admit that it is nice that the funds are getting put to such a good use.

    Anyways, I got outdoors rather early in the day and did my best to pace myself so that I did not make my leg injury flare up... but honestly by the end of the day it started throbbing again regardless of my efforts. I probably should have gotten another hot bath like I did yesterday (to relieve the inflammation) but I wound up running out of daylight before I could do it.

    The first thing that I did today was haul the sawhorses from the deck back to in front of the shop tent... and after pulling a bunch of stuff out of the tent... I got some of the painted lumber placed on the horses to make a table. My main goal for the day was to finally sort through more of my tools... and I needed the table to set all the toolboxes on while I put various items into their respective boxes.

    Part way through that process I got caught up in a 'side quest' of getting as much trash as I could out of my way and stuffed into the trash can... because I had made one corner of the shop tent a total clustercuss of stuff that I wanted to throw away. Basically I have been slacking on hauling the trashcan out to the curb the last several weeks (or dealing with the trash at all) and it was well past time that I did something about it.

    For the most part my entire day was spent sorting through the tools with one 'side quest' after another popping up along the way... including getting all those plumbing parts put into their own tool box... and covering the ports on the propane tanks with plastic. I also burned a bunch of burnables... and got as much of the stuff that I had strewn around (outside the dog yard) drying out into the shop tent before the rainy weather returns tomorrow.

    Overall, it was a very productive day and I am starting to (at long last) see the proverbial 'light at the end of the tunnel' in regards to dealing with cleaning the rodent waste off of everything. I still have some stuff in that other tent that I need to haul over to the shelter site... and get cleaned up... but for the most part I think that I am in good shape to have everything wrapped up by the time the day of the big move arrives.

    I also still need to pack down everything in the cabin... but I am kind of waiting on that because not only do I need most of it... but also because I do not have good containers to store it all in. At some point later this week I am hoping to get some of those lidded pickle barrels... and some more buckets with lids to put all that stuff in... so we will see how that goes.

    Unfortunately, I have to get more food again also because as of today I am down to eating potatoes again... because I just cannot stop wolfing down food in an effort to keep up with how many calories that I have been burning. Hopefully, I can get to a real store this time... because shopping at that nearby store is just too damned expensive for the marginal amount of food that I wind up getting.

    Well, I think that is about it for this entry. I hope that everyone is doing well. Ta ta for now.

    After placing the trash can near the road I came across this very large patch of black berries! Needless to say I made quite the snack of them!

    Thanks for reading!

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    Cheers! & Hive On!

    All content found in this post is mine!

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