Increasing My HP/VP & LP

in voilk •  3 months ago

    It's Leo Power Up Day or LPUD for short. What is LPUD? It's a day which the Inleo community like to collectively power-up some LEO tokens to show support for the Inleo community and over-all Hive Blockchain. LPUD takes place on the 15th of each month so if you missed this months don't worry another 15th is just around the corner. My current Leo Power is 6,761.87. I plan on powering up 500 LEO Tokens which will bring my LP total to 7,261.87. There is multiple places one can powerup including the HIVE DEX's but I'll be completing my Power-Up directly from my Hive Wallet located on the official Inleo webpage.


    Increasing My HIVE Tokens & Hive Voting Power

    With the recent dip in HIVE I spotted an opportunity to trade some of my DEC (Dark Energy Crystals) at a favorable trade value for the HIVE Token. So I did just that and managed to add 100* Hive Tokens to my bag. Not allot but 100 here, 5 there and 25 in another spot all add up. (What Is DEC) It's an official Splinterlands Token (Hive Blockchain Play2Earn Game). Today I also decided I want to increase my voting power. I delegated out the majority of my HP to projects I wanted to succeed/support. However my voting finger is mighty itchy these days and I need more Voting Power to help with that itch so for now I'll have to remove a portion of that delegated HIVE. With this in mind I thought it a good opportunity to show how to do just that. The process is similar to given a delegation.

    Step One:

    Log In to your Hive wallet

    Step Two:

    Go to the delegation section

    Step Three:

    Click Revoke
    (on the account you want to remove your delegation from)

    Pro Tip:

    If you want to adjust the amount delegated but not revoke the whole amount you can go to your wallet section and click the delegate option. Place in the updated amount you wish to delegate and that amount will replace the previous amount. Your HP will reflect the difference after the appropriate amount of time has passed. The new amount delegated will almost immediately be reflected in your outgoing delegation section. For now I decided to revoke 2,000 HP from the account in-which had my power for the longest period of time. If one remembers or is available to I also hope to participate in the upcoming Hive Power-Up day which takes place on the first of each month to further increase my Hive

    Image Source: Hive Wallet
    (Delegation Section:

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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