Has Demand Really Down For Splinterlands?

in voilk •  3 months ago

    I like the old saying to profit we need to buy low and sell high. The difficulty in implementing this approach is when do we know it’s a low?

    At current moment I am continuing to save DEC in hopes of making a bulk purchase of cards in the future. As of today it appears many people are ahead of me with their purchases as the 7 day purchase rate seems to be rising a lot relatively speaking. However expand it to a six month chart we see it still on the lower end but trending higher.

    Even though the prices are near lows the demand for cards seems to be rising and with strong uptrend. This leads me to believe the game is still highly sought after in terms of assets demand and activities. The only reason it is not going even higher seems to be prices.

    The reality I am seeing is that the game simply does not have the lust it once did when it first started. The past had low supply and a lot of new interest. Not to mention the crypto market was booming. Now there is similar factors playing out but the demand from new players appears to be weak or non existent.

    New players are coming and going every few months but it has been on mainly a downward decline. I wonder if the days where we see swift uptrends are really because more of the olde players creating additional accounts to benefit some of the limited time promotions and or events. In any case the demand is not strong enough to hold up prices.

    This leads to a rousing conclusion for me that the game continues to lose value in terms of assets and tokens. This by no means is a bad thing for fans. Instead see this as an opportunity to accumulate more.

    I am hoping prices drop further so I can get closer to getting more max level cards. I look forward to any price declines.

    Until next time thanks for reading!!!

    If you want to play splinterlands then SignUp Here

    I have plenty of other cards for rent! Just go on peakmonsters and check out the market place and if you are curious what I offer here is a link:

    mawit07 rentals

    If You have yet to take part in playing this great game called Splinterlands please click on my referral link. It is free but in order to earn real assets such as cards and token you would have to invest in a starter deck or purchase game cards. Join the discord to learn more. Good luck!


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