I couldn't deal well with my Job stress. Contest #182

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hello wonderful ladies of hive
    am glad to be here again and to write on this topic.

    I wasn't so lucky to work under a conducive environment,it was draining emotionally,mentally and physically, with so much work load and long hours without words of appreciation from my Boss even for a great accomplished work and tasks.

    I was always constantly stressed and truthfully it generated some health issues because i couldn't deal well with the job stress.
    As a mother of 3 young kids it was difficult for me,i left the house so early and returned late in the evening,the remaining hours left was to fix my family up for the next day.
    I didn't have enough time to rest because if i choose to rest it will be difficult to fix the house chores since my job had already taken more of my time,i had difficulty bonding with my kids because i had no time for them and i was so worried about it.

    I longed for a good quality time with my kids and my family members
    but job stress took the best part of it.

    I guess it easier to manage your home and job stress when you have a helping hand or someone who takes care of your kids and house chores especially when you ain't around or when you are tired and worn out.

    But to some people where there's no help like me, we can't rule out the hazard that comes with the stress from work. Personally i tried all I could to have a great balance with my work -life but it still didn't work out,tension was high, the harder i tried the more difficult it was,i kept plying up tension and i knew beyond reasonable doubt that i needed a break to avoid breaking down.

    Some health issues i had was
    Anxiety,constant headache, sleeping problems,fatigue and anger issues.
    I caught myself getting angry often, especially when trying to meet up with my job stress and family stress.
    I felt helpless and guilty each time i couldn't balance it or be there for my kids when they needed me most.

    -I would choose to work from home over and over again because of its flexible schedule,it will give me time for my family and kids.

    • As I get older i really need to cut of stress to avoid some health issues
      working from home will grant me my own space,hence reducing tension and pressure.

    • I believe i will be more mentally and emotionally stable because home environment will be more friendly.

    • I believe when am physically, emotionally and mentally stable it's easier to have a higher level of productivity when working from home and it will be easier to balance my work life .

    • I will be able to save more money and spend less especially in transportation
      here in my country transportation is very high it takes almost have of your income .

    In all i believe our jobs should not be detriment to our health it should bring us more peace than stress.
    I choose to work from home.
    Hence,creating a life style worth living.
    Thank you ladies for reading through.

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