Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1224)

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello Everyone!

    A little dreaming goes a long way, Not a very productive day, The roller coaster weather & Too many stressors!

    Alright, I am one minute behind schedule this evening with my writing routine... and have no idea why I even remarked upon it other than having gotten way too much into the habit of beginning these entries in that manner. I know that I should change things up in that regard... given how dull it must be... and yet I just keep doing it nonetheless!

    I got to bed a good bit earlier last night than I did the night before... and after doing some pretty heavy dreaming I awoke a bare five hours later well before sunrise. After briefly considering whether to start my day 'then and there' I opted for more sleep... and after drifting off again I woke every hour (nearly on the hour) repeatedly until I finally got up three hours later.

    Per usual (once I had my espresso brewed) I dove into my Hive engagement routine... and this time I even made an effort at making some comments. I still think that I should be giving it more effort than I have been giving it... but alas (like I keep saying) I am more or less just trying to stay in the habit of doing it each day... and am happy with whatever amount of effort that I find myself putting into it.

    The weather cleared up early in the day and by noon the sun actually came out... but whoa that big storm sure left everything quite damp and muggy feeling. I dunno why I could not quite muster the energy to get outdoors and be productive... but for the most part I just zoned out on the computer until very late in the afternoon.

    Part of that (lack of energy) probably has to do with me just feeling a wee bit overwhelmed by everything... and also just wanting a break from it all... but I also kept telling myself something along the lines of: It is just too muggy, you will get gross and dirty... which of course means you will have to clean out the tub and get a bath at the end of the day. Which yeah is/was exactly the excuse that it sounds like!

    I was also trying to stay near my phone all day in case the folks scouting the land for me called... and given the humidity and my phone screen having a spider web of cracks in it... I did not want to carry it around on me and perhaps get any humidity into it. The damned thing is already dodgy/shoddy enough to use as it is... and anything that might make it worse just is not worth the risk in my perspective.

    There was also still a lot of cloud cover and I did not want to miss any calls because the phone was too far away from the cellular repeater... so I guess that I should add that to the list of excuses that I told myself. As a side note, having had to use the phone so much of late (because of the land deal and all) I have been getting more than a little annoyed that my old phone addiction has been trying to reassert itself into my life.

    Anyways, very late in the day I squeezed in a few hikes in an effort to clear my head a bit... but honestly I am unsure if it really helped given that my mind is so preoccupied with the new land, the packing, the move and everything related to all of that stuff. Ultimately, I know that I just have too many stressors in my life at the moment... and that coupled with having to unsettle from my little 'nest' is playing hell on me.

    Hopefully, over the next few days (while the fair weather lasts) I can get a bunch more packing/cleaning done... and maybe burn off some of the angst and nervous energy that I have been feeling. Given that it is springtime (which tends to be a very rainy time here) I have to do what I can on the fair weather days... and be prepared to be cooped up when the storms hit.

    It seems like I keep getting roughly three good days of fair weather followed by three to four days of bad weather... which yeah is making my 'rhythm building' a challenging task to say the least. When it comes down to it, I should be packing down everything stored in the attic on those days (instead of vegging out on the computer) but for whatever reason I just keep failing to tackle that particular aspect of the packing process.

    Well, I think that I am going to keep this entry 'short and sweet' and get on with my evening. I hope that everyone is doing well and remaining on an even keel. Ta ta for now.

    It was a very neat looking sunset today!

    A little lizard that I rescued from one of the dogs water bowls.

    Thanks for reading!

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    Cheers! & Hive On!

    All content found in this post is mine!

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